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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-13 18:10
【摘要】:韓國(guó)電影導(dǎo)演金基德以其電影作品的低成本、高效率、大影響而被韓國(guó)媒體譽(yù)為“21世紀(jì)最具領(lǐng)導(dǎo)潛力的導(dǎo)演”。同時(shí),他也因在國(guó)際電影節(jié)上的頻繁獲獎(jiǎng)而成為倍受國(guó)際影壇關(guān)注的作者型導(dǎo)演之一。金基德的電影作品雖然經(jīng)常表現(xiàn)性、暴力和死亡等題材,也因此在影壇上頗受爭(zhēng)議,但作為美學(xué)思想和美學(xué)精神最主要的載體,藝術(shù)作品是不能簡(jiǎn)單地用題材選擇來(lái)評(píng)判其藝術(shù)審美價(jià)值的。 本文從金基德的生平及其編劇并導(dǎo)演的主要作品入手,探討其電影作品鮮明的個(gè)性特征,并對(duì)其電影藝術(shù)形式的美學(xué)追求加以分析研究。筆者認(rèn)為金基德的電影作品在救贖主題、隱喻以及半抽象的電影創(chuàng)作觀念方面具有鮮明個(gè)性特征;在藝術(shù)形式上有著鮮明自覺(jué)的美學(xué)追求,富有中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)審美范疇“意境”的內(nèi)涵和特征,主要體現(xiàn)在情景交融、虛實(shí)相生、時(shí)空轉(zhuǎn)換三個(gè)方面。 本文主要采用文本分析與文化批評(píng)的研究方法,通過(guò)研究作者生平、觀摩電影作品、分析美學(xué)文獻(xiàn)等途徑完成。
[Abstract]:Korean film director Kim Kidd has been praised as "the most promising director of the 21st century" by Korean media for his low cost, high efficiency and great influence. At the same time, because of his frequent awards at international film festivals, he has become one of the international film directors. Although Kim Kid's films are often about expressiveness, violence and death, they are controversial in the film world, but they are the main carriers of aesthetic thought and spirit. Art works can not be simply used to judge their artistic aesthetic value. Starting with the life of Kim Kidd and the main works of the writer and director, this paper probes into the distinctive personality characteristics of his film works, and analyzes and studies the aesthetic pursuit of his film art form. The author thinks that Kim Kidd's film works have distinct personality characteristics in the aspects of redemption theme, metaphor and semi-abstract concept of film creation. There is a distinct and conscious aesthetic pursuit in the form of art, which is rich in the connotation and characteristics of "artistic conception" in Chinese traditional aesthetic category, which is mainly embodied in three aspects: the blending of feelings and scenes, the existence of void and reality, and the transformation of time and space. This paper mainly adopts the research methods of text analysis and cultural criticism, through the research of the author's life, watching the film works, analyzing the aesthetic literature and so on.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前5條

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2 樸燕真;90年代韓國(guó)電影的繁榮和流變[J];當(dāng)代電影;1999年02期

3 梁開(kāi)奎;“黑色”的影像世界——金基德電影影像美學(xué)分析[J];當(dāng)代電影;2004年05期

4 楊炯;;中國(guó)畫(huà)的意境[J];藝術(shù)教育;2006年11期

5 霍素君;文學(xué)鑒賞中的意境淺析[J];中學(xué)語(yǔ)文教學(xué);2002年08期





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