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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-13 15:20
[Abstract]:August 15, 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world's anti-fascist war and the 70th anniversary of the victory of China's anti-Japanese war. China was the first country to get involved in this war. In the 14 years of the War of Resistance against Japan, the number of casualties reached more than 35 million. The Japanese fascist war caused untold suffering to the Chinese people and the crimes committed were unforgivable. Since the new century, the creation of Chinese anti-fascist films has been written on the basis of the previous anti-Japanese films by simple dualistic subjects such as "aggression and anti-aggression", "invasion of foreign enemies and revenge of the country" and so on. Gradually, the whole human race lost their lives, lost their freedom and dignity under the fascist war, and criticized and reflected on the fascism itself. This tremendous change had an important impact in the history of Chinese cinema. It developed with the new political and economic environment and international anti-fascist demands, and some excellent works emerged. In the whole creation, although the quantity is not many, but in the theme excavation, the character shaping, the image style and so on angle and so on the anti-Japanese theme movie has the big breakthrough. With the constant transformation and innovation in the creation of anti-Japanese films, some works such as "Sunflower robbery", "August of May", "Tokyo trial", "Nanjing"! Nanking! > the thirteen-hairpin of Jinling, Seedke Balai, etc., all had a strong influence. Based on the previous research results, this paper synthesizes the main characteristics of the relevant anti-Japanese films in the past 15 years. With the increasing importance of China in the international anti-fascist alliance and the frequent use of the concept of "anti-fascist film" since the beginning of the new century, the development of "anti-fascist theme film" since the new century has been combed. In the new world political environment, the background and general situation, characteristics, limitations and inspiration of the creation of anti-fascist films in China are summarized. At the same time, it is worth noting that, given the broad concept of "anti-fascist films", This paper refers to the Chinese anti-fascist film, which only interprets the anti-Japanese films reflected in the creation of anti-Japanese films from the war level. In space, "China" in this paper mainly refers to the mainland of China, but in view of the reason that the Taiwan film "Sedke Balai" has caused a huge response and has achieved great success, it is also discussed in this paper. Hong Kong and Macao are temporarily absent.


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