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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-12 10:48
[Abstract]:As an important type of documentaries in China, documentary documents have special advantages in inheriting and developing the history of documentary and combining written materials with audio-visual language. It has been 87 years since the birth of the National Revolution War between Land, Sea and Air in 1927. During this long period of time, we can see that the content of documentaries and documentaries ranges from national, ethnic, social and individual, from a single material narrative to a combination of audio-visual means to reproduce history. From political events to concern and reflection on social reality, all aspects of the production concept have experienced a development process from single to pluralistic. However, due to the influence of long-term thinking, some documentaries use the model of "empty lens explanatory material" when they are created. They often set a tone first, and then ask experts to explain it according to the content of the text. This way of creation can not satisfy the audience's curiosity about the scene of historical events. The greatest charm of TV language is to bring people the most vivid audio-visual enjoyment, but some documentary documents often pay too much attention to explaining history, expounding the function of history, and neglecting the visibility of films. Many documentary practitioners are thinking about how to make documentaries possess the authenticity of documents and make a feast visually. With the continuous development of film and television technology and the diversification of the way of making films, the documentary literature has changed a lot in terms of its creative idea and means. Starting from Nanook in the North, the application of film production in historical documentaries has attracted the attention of scholars and practitioners. From Nanook of the North to the Story of the Wind, from Robert Fratti to Joyce Evans, they all use one way or another in their productions. The emergence of these works, can be said to lead the development of a documentary era track. As a result, under the background of the increasing number of film technology and the increasing variety of film production methods, it is necessary to explore the application of film production in documentary documents. The "way" in this paper refers to the comprehensive application of documentary in methods and forms, technology and art in combination with the aesthetic style of documentary literature under the development of modern film technology.


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