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發(fā)布時間:2018-12-10 08:15
【摘要】:家庭倫理劇一直是中國觀眾最受青睞的類型劇之一,尤其是在上世紀90年代社會轉(zhuǎn)型時期,急劇的社會變革使得人們必須在新的經(jīng)濟和生活秩序中尋找新的位置,重建對美好生活的信心!督鸹椤、《空鏡子》、《中國式離婚》等一次次在熒屏上創(chuàng)下了高收視率。一部優(yōu)秀的倫理劇總是輕而易舉地跨越地域、年齡和文化的差異,產(chǎn)生巨大的影響,融入了濃重商業(yè)氣息的香港家庭倫理劇不但在本土創(chuàng)下收視新高,而且受到內(nèi)地觀眾的極大喜愛。 作為融合了中華民族傳統(tǒng)文化的香港家庭倫理劇,長期以來一直被理論界所忽視.本文對香港回歸至今這樣一個特殊時間段里的兩地家庭倫理劇進行全面深入的探討。最主要的是從電視劇本身的文本元素出發(fā),運用電視劇基本原理結(jié)構(gòu)進行論述,如電視劇元素中的人物形象、敘事結(jié)構(gòu)等。同時在研究過程中運用到了一些傳播學的理論,將其穿插于論文之中靈活運用。在界定家庭倫理劇這一概念后,梳理了兩地家庭倫理劇的發(fā)展脈絡(luò)。內(nèi)地與香港在不同的社會政治制度管理下,所處的媒介生態(tài)環(huán)境完全不同,但是兩地擁有共通的傳統(tǒng)文化。因此在第四章中就要從異同兩方面來比較兩地文本在題材選擇、人物設(shè)置和敘事上的特征。此外,從傳播功能和效果方面闡述了各自在社會中所起的作用,,提出傳播中的不足之處,最后指出兩地家庭倫理劇的交流與合作對兩地電視劇創(chuàng)作水平提升的重要性。
[Abstract]:Family ethics plays have always been one of the most popular types of dramas in China, especially in the period of social transformation in the 1990s, the rapid social changes made people have to find a new position in the new economic and life order. Rebuild confidence in a better life. "Golden Marriage", "empty Mirror", "Chinese divorce" and so on have set a high ratings on the screen again and again. A good ethical drama always easily crosses the geographical, age and cultural differences, and has a huge impact. The Hong Kong Family Ethics Drama, which has a strong commercial flavor, not only sets a new high in ratings at home. And by the mainland audience's great love. As a traditional Chinese culture, Hong Kong family ethics drama has long been ignored by the theorists. This paper makes a thorough discussion on the family ethics drama between Hong Kong and Hong Kong in such a special time period. The most important is to use the basic principle structure of TV series, such as character image, narrative structure and so on, from the text elements of TV series itself. At the same time, some theories of communication are applied in the research process, which can be used flexibly in the paper. After defining the concept of family ethics drama, this paper combs the development of family ethics drama in both places. Under the management of different social and political systems, the media ecological environment of the mainland and Hong Kong is completely different, but the two places share the same traditional culture. So in the fourth chapter, we should compare the theme selection, character setting and narrative features of the two texts from the similarities and differences. In addition, from the aspects of communication function and effect, this paper expounds their respective roles in the society, points out the deficiencies in communication, and finally points out the importance of communication and cooperation between the two places for the promotion of the level of TV drama creation in the two places.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前9條

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