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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-28 18:44
【摘要】:中國動畫自誕生以來就一直以其獨特的民族特色深入人心,其對于民族文化的運用贏得了世界動畫界的認同和贊譽。但后來在商業(yè)利益的驅(qū)使下,絕大部分的動畫制作方為了迎合消費者口味,大量抄襲和模仿日美動畫風(fēng)格,摒棄了中國動畫特有的民族特色,失去了民族個性。回首中國動畫發(fā)展歷程,為中國動畫贏取了國際贊譽的優(yōu)秀動畫作品,都具有強烈的民族風(fēng)格。換句話說,重視民族文化、正視民族文化、重拾民族文化以及積極傳播民族文化才是現(xiàn)代中國動畫的出路。 云南是中國西南地區(qū)靜待發(fā)掘的一塊民族藝術(shù)寶地。除漢族以外共還有25個少數(shù)民族,這些豐富的民族文化和藝術(shù)元素是動畫藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作取之不盡的創(chuàng)新源泉。本文通過對云南少數(shù)民族文化的研究,挖掘、歸納、提煉其審美特性,探討把云南少數(shù)民族藝術(shù)元素滲入到動畫的劇本創(chuàng)作,角色設(shè)計和場景設(shè)計之中的方法。這對于動畫藝術(shù)的民族風(fēng)格創(chuàng)新研究具有非常重要意義的工作。 從另一方面說,云南少數(shù)民族地區(qū)擁有非常多的非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn),這些民族文化的瑰寶正日漸消逝,這對于中華文化是一項無法估量的損失。而動畫所具有獨特的虛擬性與復(fù)原性,可以幫助這些正在消失的非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)傳承,這種傳承對于歷史文化遺產(chǎn)和動畫藝術(shù)都具有非常重要的意義。因此開展民族文化調(diào)查、發(fā)展民族特色動畫、保護傳承非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)是對我們的挑戰(zhàn),也是我們作為動畫工作者的責任。希望本文能給從事民族動畫創(chuàng)作的同行帶來一些啟發(fā)。
[Abstract]:Chinese animation has always been popular with its unique national characteristics since its birth, and its use of national culture has won recognition and praise from the world's moving-painting circles. But later, driven by commercial interests, most of the animation producers in order to meet the needs of consumers, a large number of copying and imitation of Japanese and American animation style, abandoned the unique national characteristics of Chinese animation, lost their national personality. Looking back on the development of Chinese animation, Chinese animation won international acclaim excellent animation works, with a strong national style. In other words, attaching importance to national culture, facing up to national culture, recovering national culture and actively propagating national culture are the outlet of modern Chinese animation. Yunnan is a national art treasure in southwest China. There are 25 ethnic minorities in addition to Han nationality. These rich elements of national culture and art are the inexhaustible source of innovation in animation art creation. Based on the research, excavation, induction and extraction of the aesthetic characteristics of Yunnan minority culture, this paper probes into the ways to infiltrate the artistic elements of Yunnan ethnic minorities into the script creation, character design and scene design of the animation. This is of great significance to the study of the national style innovation of animation art. On the other hand, Yunnan ethnic minority areas have a lot of intangible cultural heritage, these national cultural treasures are fading away, which is an incalculable loss to Chinese culture. The unique fictitious and restorative nature of animation can help these intangible cultural heritage which is disappearing which is of great significance to historical cultural heritage and animation art. Therefore, it is our challenge to carry out the investigation of national culture, to develop the animation with national characteristics and to protect and inherit the intangible cultural heritage. Hope this article can bring some inspiration to the counterparts engaged in ethnic animation creation.


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1 楊冬梅;;動畫片劇本創(chuàng)作的思維方法及其規(guī)律[J];電影文學(xué);2009年13期

2 張鶴;;國產(chǎn)動畫角色造型設(shè)計的風(fēng)格解讀[J];科技信息;2009年31期

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4 杜·伏科蒂克 ,楚漢 ,汪海 ,諶三;動畫電影劇作[J];世界電影;1987年06期

5 楊云峰;;戲劇情境解說[J];戲劇之家;2002年01期

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1 黃蘇瑾;中國動畫劇作的民族化研究[D];南京師范大學(xué);2007年

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1 王Pr;宮崎駿導(dǎo)演藝術(shù)研究[D];重慶大學(xué);2007年





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