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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-27 07:53
【摘要】:韓國與我國一衣帶水,有著相似的歷史和文化,韓國偶像劇在中國的熱播引起了我國電視受眾和電視劇市場的強烈反響,我國傳播學(xué)者也開始研究分析這一現(xiàn)象,希望對我國偶像劇的發(fā)展提供有效幫助。韓國文化已經(jīng)悄無聲息地傳播到我國,韓劇作為“韓流”中的一股重要力量,更是不斷有力地沖擊到東亞、東南亞甚至更遠的地方。因此,以韓劇為重點探索韓國文化的傳播就顯得尤為必要和重要。然而,當前我國有關(guān)韓劇的研究不僅數(shù)量少,而且多停留在影視研究的框架中,較少涉及傳播學(xué)領(lǐng)域的理論研究。2014年初播出的韓劇《來自星星的你》受到了中國受眾的狂熱追捧,并且創(chuàng)造了又一收視率神話,最后一集更是在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上以同聲翻譯的直播方式進行播放,據(jù)韓國收視率調(diào)查機構(gòu)尼爾遜(Nielsen Korea)調(diào)查,27日播出的《來自星星的你》不僅最后一集在韓國全國范圍內(nèi)收視率為28.1%,創(chuàng)下該劇開播以來的最高收視率,在中國也創(chuàng)下自網(wǎng)絡(luò)轉(zhuǎn)播以來點播次數(shù)最高的記錄。韓國偶像劇今日的成功并非偶然,這一現(xiàn)象的發(fā)生有其必然性,韓國偶像劇的成功之道該如何為我國偶像劇的發(fā)展所用,是我國文化學(xué)者需要研究的重要課題,也是本文的意義所在。本文第一章為緒論,主要介紹文章的研究內(nèi)容、方法和目的、研究綜述等內(nèi)容,第二章介紹韓國偶像劇的內(nèi)容,第三章講述韓國偶像劇在中國傳播媒介的嬗變,第四章講韓國偶像劇在中國的影響,第五章提出韓國偶像劇在中國傳播帶來的思考,第六章為結(jié)語。本文旨在通過對韓國偶像劇的發(fā)展歷程、現(xiàn)狀進行分析,沿著傳播內(nèi)容、在中國的傳播歷程和對中國產(chǎn)生的影響等方面對韓國偶像劇進行全面分析,對我國偶像劇的發(fā)展提供借鑒。
[Abstract]:Korea and China share a similar history and culture. The popularity of Korean idol dramas in China has aroused strong repercussions in the TV audience and TV drama market in China. Chinese media scholars have also begun to study and analyze this phenomenon. Hope to provide effective help to the development of Chinese idol drama. Korean culture has been spread quietly to our country. As an important force in the "Korean Stream", Korean dramas continue to impact East, Southeast Asia and even further places. Therefore, it is particularly necessary and important to explore the spread of Korean culture. However, the current research on Korean dramas in China is not only a small number, but also stays in the framework of film and television research. There is less theoretical research in the field of communication. The Korean drama you from the Star, which aired in early 2014, has been enthusiastically sought after by Chinese audiences and has created yet another ratings myth. The last episode was broadcast live with simultaneous interpretation on the Internet. According to the (Nielsen Korea) survey conducted by Nielsen, a South Korean ratings research agency, Not only did the last episode of "you from the Stars" hit 28.1 percent nationwide in South Korea, the highest number of viewers since the show began, and the highest number of on-demand shows in China since its webcast. The success of Korean idol drama today is not accidental. The occurrence of this phenomenon has its inevitability. How to use the successful way of Korean idol drama for the development of Chinese idol drama is an important subject that Chinese cultural scholars need to study. It is also the meaning of this paper. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the research content, the method and the purpose, the research summary and so on, the second chapter introduces the Korean idol drama content, the third chapter narrates the evolution of the Korean idol drama in the Chinese media. The fourth chapter discusses the impact of Korean idol drama in China, the fifth chapter puts forward the Korean idol drama in China, the sixth chapter is the conclusion. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the development course and present situation of Korean idol drama, and to analyze the Korean idol drama in the aspects of the content of communication, the process of communication in China and the influence on China. To provide reference for the development of Chinese idol drama.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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5 陳e,




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