本文選題:格里菲斯 + 《一個國家的誕生》; 參考:《浙江工商大學學報》2017年01期
[Abstract]:Standing on the macroscopic view of the film history of the American Civil War of one hundred years, the article expounds the collective memory and historical reconstruction of the Civil War and its reconstruction in American society, especially in the southern society, more than half a century after the end of the Civil War. And the resulting "Southern myth", focusing on the direct impact of this historical myth on Griffith's the birth of a country, and unveiling the basic paradigm of the theme of "birth". And the profound influence on the films of the Civil War in the following century, which provides a cultural and historical analysis framework for the study of the American Civil War films for a hundred years.
【作者單位】: 浙江工商大學人文與傳播學院;
中國期刊全文數據庫 前10條
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