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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-05 09:53

  本文選題:“電影語言敘事” + “女性文化視野”; 參考:《西北民族大學》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:影片《大紅燈籠高高掛》是張藝謀早期電影中較為成功的作品,這部電影不僅在國內(nèi)獲得了良好的口碑,在國際上也獲得了諸多獎項。那么這部影片的成功之處在哪里呢?本文將對影片《大紅燈籠高高掛》的藝術(shù)特色進行深入的分析,以期獲得張藝謀早期電影創(chuàng)作的成功之處,希望為當代電影創(chuàng)作提供可鑒之資。 本文將首先從電影《大紅燈籠高高掛》的敘事策略作為切入點,分析張藝謀獨特的電影語言敘事特色以及在這部影片中反映出的女性文化視野。然后深入研究這部影片內(nèi)在的文化底蘊,比如這部影片所包含的民族自省精神、人文關(guān)懷精神以及悲劇意識等民族文化。另外分析了這部影片獨具特色的民俗文化。最后我們分別從象征手法以及文學改編兩個方面分析了這部影片的藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作特色。
[Abstract]:The film "Red Lantern hanging High" is a more successful work in Zhang Yimou's early films. This film has not only won a good reputation in China, but also won a lot of awards in the international arena. So what's the success of this film? This paper will make a deep analysis of the artistic characteristics of the film "the Red Lantern hanging High" in order to obtain the success of Zhang Yimou's early film creation and hope to provide some valuable information for contemporary film creation. This paper first takes the narrative strategy of the film "Red Lantern" as a starting point to analyze Zhang Yimou's unique narrative characteristics of the film language and the female cultural perspective reflected in the film. Then the author deeply studies the inner culture of this film, such as the national introspection, the humanistic concern and the tragic consciousness. In addition, it analyzes the unique folklore culture of this film. Finally, we analyze the artistic characteristics of the film from symbolism and literary adaptation.


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