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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-04 12:24

  本文選題:當代電影 + 新古典主義; 參考:《電影文學》2017年05期

[Abstract]:Neo-classicism as the main paradigm of contemporary film performance, compared with the traditional and classical, it pays more attention to the excavation and eulogy of human beauty and the expression of harmonious coexistence between individual and society. It stands at the height of history, merges Chinese and western, and links tradition with modern. As an expressive spirit rich in "new" meaning, it adheres to the aesthetic concept of independence and freedom. In Chinese images, it is often put into extremely poetic images and penetrating aesthetic images. And from the ideal height of the fusion of values and ethics, it sublimates the spirit of nation, history and culture, at the same time, it shows the strength of human nature and the harmony of society.
【作者單位】: 武漢大學文學院;


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