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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-04 07:48

  本文選題:暑期檔 + 藝術(shù)性; 參考:《南京航空航天大學(xué)》2013年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The introduction of domestic animation in the summer of 2011 has triggered a new high tide of heated discussion on the prospect of Chinese animation. Behind the contradiction between the production level and profit and loss of domestic animation, it is more obvious that the commercial and artistic development of animation works is not balanced. This paper takes this opportunity to analyze the background of the creation of Qui-ba, the artistic characteristics of imitation and originality, and the increasingly perfect commercial operation. This paper makes a systematic and detailed quantitative comparison between the artistic value and the commercial value, and analyzes the relationship between the commercial income and the artistic value by using the data contrast and the statistical correlation method, and shows the relationship between the commercial income and the artistic value in the form of a chart. This paper discusses the process of approaching the value of art to its commercial value. Further expound the relationship between art and commercial, draw the conclusion that the outstanding works of art will get the commercial approval, and make a summary and prospect to the prospect of the domestic animation, especially the series of "Qui-ba". It is intended to peek at the leopard and appeal to artists to pay more attention to its artistic value rather than commercial interests in the process of artistic creation.


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