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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-03 19:01

  本文選題:電影空間 + 畫外空間; 參考:《中國美術(shù)學(xué)院》2014年碩士論文

【摘要】:電影的空間意識是電影思維的一個(gè)基本內(nèi)容,是電影研究的一個(gè)核心概念。 本文試圖以行定勛導(dǎo)演的電影作品為主要研究對象,借鑒已有的電影史和電影理論中的研究成果,結(jié)合電影美學(xué)、社會(huì)學(xué)等學(xué)科的研究方法,分析行定勛導(dǎo)演電影語言中空間的具體表現(xiàn),并論述其電影空間觀念在日本新電影中的意義與價(jià)值。 從電影語言來分析,行定勛善于通過聲音、場面調(diào)度、光來營造畫外空間,尤其充分地發(fā)揮了聲音的空間作用。他的作品體現(xiàn)了流動(dòng)的、開放的、完整的360度空間。行定勛電影中的空間既是實(shí)體的,又是隱喻的?臻g不僅是故事發(fā)生的場所,而且不同的空間呈現(xiàn)不同人物的內(nèi)心狀態(tài),空間自身成為影片重要的表意因素。 在行定勛的作品中,通過對現(xiàn)代空間和現(xiàn)代人的呈現(xiàn),使電影的本質(zhì)與現(xiàn)代人的存在困境有了緊密的關(guān)聯(lián)。他關(guān)于360度空間等現(xiàn)代電影觀念的實(shí)踐和探索,沖破了傳統(tǒng)的電影觀念,是日本電影發(fā)展逼近電影本體的一種進(jìn)步,為日本新電影找到了一種自主的美學(xué)和社會(huì)視野。
[Abstract]:The space consciousness of film is a basic content of film thinking and a core concept of film research. This paper attempts to take the film works of Xing Dingxun as the main research object, draw lessons from the existing research achievements in film history and film theory, and combine the research methods of film aesthetics, sociology and other disciplines. This paper analyzes the concrete expression of space in the film language of Dingxun director, and discusses the significance and value of his concept of film space in the new Japanese film. From the film language analysis, Xing Dingxun is good at creating the outer space through sound, scene scheduling, and light, especially playing the role of sound space. His work embodies a fluid, open, complete 360-degree space. The space in Dingxun film is both physical and metaphorical. Space is not only the place where the story takes place, but also the inner state of different characters. Space itself becomes an important ideographic factor in the film. In the works of Xing Dingxun, the essence of film is closely related to the predicament of modern existence through the presentation of modern space and modern man. His practice and exploration on the concept of 360-degree space broke through the traditional concept of film, which is a kind of progress in the development of Japanese film approaching to the film itself, and has found a kind of independent aesthetics and social vision for the new Japanese film.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前6條

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