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發(fā)布時間:2016-03-22 13:11

題目:A  report on an issue of interesting the area of globalization, or a thorough case study of globalization through the experience  of an individual ,business, industry ,or county.(1600  words)
論文語言:英語論文 English
論文用于:Master Thesis 碩士課程論文
Please note that you should use the same documentation format as for your annotated  bibliography. ( usually APA 6th edition)

The impact of economic globalization on the global wealth gap

1.0 Introduction介紹

80年代以來,經(jīng)濟全球化正在成為一種不可阻擋的趨勢。經(jīng)濟全球化本質(zhì)上是市場化的世界范圍內(nèi)的過程。在這個過程中,激烈的市場競爭提高市場效率,這也使得越來越多的財富集中在少數(shù)國家或少數(shù)利益集團,導致貧富(米勒,2001年)之間的差距不斷擴大。富人與窮人之間進一步增加的差距威脅社會穩(wěn)定和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的潛力,,分析和解決貧富差距越來越被各國政府和學者的重視。本文從國家,階層和行業(yè),這三個角度分析全球化如何導致拉大貧富差距,這樣才能提出措施,縮小全球化背景下的貧富之間的差距。Since the 1980s, economic globalization is becoming an unstoppable trend. Economic globalization is essentially a process of marketization worldwide. In this process, keen market competition improves market efficiency, it also makes wealth increasingly concentrated in a few countries or a few interest groups, resulting in a widening gap between the rich and the poor (Miller, 2001). Further increased gap between the rich and the poor threatens social stability and the potential of economic development, to analyze and solve the wealth gap is increasingly being valued by governments and academics. This essay is from country, stratum and industry, these three angles to analyze how globalization leads to widened gap in wealth, so as to propose measures to narrow the gap between the rich and poor in the context of globalization.

2.0 Body

2.1 Gap in wealth between different countries
2.2 Gap in wealth between different social strata
2.3 Gap in wealth between different industries
2.4 Solutions

3.0 Conclusion總結(jié)

Globalization improves market efficiency, optimizes the allocation of resources, but it brings more issues of gap in wealth, which exacerbates the gap between developed countries and developing countries, the gap between different social classes and the gap between different industries. The increased gap in wealth is a threat for social stability and the potential of economic development, therefore, it is needed for governments to take appropriate measures to improve efficiency and narrow the gap between the rich and poor in the context of globalization.


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