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發(fā)布時間:2017-05-11 08:03


Abstract: in 2006 China's declaration of individual income tax starting, with the support of the reporting requirements have been introduced, the provisions pointed out: for the annual income of more than 120000 yuan people need to declare and pay individual income tax. January 1, 2008 Beijing monthly income below 1600 yuan to implement all the taxpayers, withholding tax rate of personal income tax declaration. Declaration of individual income tax for tax reform in our country, is an important measure, and has very important practical significance; self declaration of personal income tax, personal income tax in the future development of the basic framework and direction, strengthen the taxpayer proper tax obligations and legal rights, promulgation and enforcement of the improve the tax consciousness of the citizens, but also improve the quality of government services, strengthen the monitoring of the high income people, reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, therefore, the personal income tax self declaration has the practical significance of tax. This paper American the self declaration of individual income tax experience, study of China's personal income tax declaration procedures, and causes of problems in the implementation of the declaration of the problem analysis, put forward their own personal income tax declaration system of effective measures, the successful implementation of.
Keywords: personal income tax; income tax declaration;

目 錄

摘要 2
關(guān)鍵詞 2
一、個人所得稅自行申報納稅的必要性 2
(一)概念 3
(二)內(nèi)容 3
(三)必要性 3
二、美國個人所得稅自行納稅申報的經(jīng)驗簡析 4
(一)綜合所得稅課稅模式,強調(diào)平等和公平正義 4
(二) 嚴格高效的稅收征管 4
(三)完善的稅務代理機制 5
(四)健全的自行納稅申報體系 5
4.1稅收申報表 5
4.2申報方式 6
4.3申報身份 6
4.4申報條件 6
4.5稅率 6
(五)國民納稅意識較強、得到十分優(yōu)質(zhì)的納稅服務 6
(六)預算收支體系嚴格精細使納稅人具有自行申報積極性 7
三、我國個人所得稅自行納稅申報的問題及原因分析 7
(一)我國個人所得稅自行納稅申報的現(xiàn)狀及存在的問題 7
(二)存在問題的原因分析 7
1. 稅制不健全,公平性與激勵性較差 7
2.征管設(shè)施和措施不完善 8
3.代理申報納稅機制不成熟 8
4.個稅自行申報體系不規(guī)范 9
5.公民個人所得稅自行納稅申報意識較低 9
6.預算收支體系不夠嚴格精細,透明度低 9
四、發(fā)展我國個人所得稅自行納稅申報制度的策略 10
(一)深化個人所得稅稅制改革,強調(diào)社會公平 10
(二)加強個稅稅收征管,提高監(jiān)控力度和有效性 10
(三)發(fā)展代理申報納稅機制 10
(四)完善個稅自行申報體系 11
(五)提高我國公民個稅自行申報的積極性 11
參考文獻: 11







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