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Chapter One Introduction

At present, because of the insufficiency of teachers’ practical teaching ability andthe limitation of the teaching condition, teaching quality is far from meeting the needsof social development. In the practical teaching, teachers also use translating teachingmethod. This kind of teaching method makes the students perform in the passiveacceptance status and cannot meet the psychological characteristics and agecharacteristics of primary school students, so students are tired of learning English.However, there are only three English classes every week. In the present society,students do not have enough language environment. Therefore, the students have fewopportunities to listen to English, speak English and practice English, which is generallack of English learning environment.Professor Yu Shengquan points out that the promulgation of the Ten YearDevelopment Plan of Education Informatization and the transformation of educationaltheory explained that the idea of educational development should be transformed fromtheoretical teaching to practical application (Yu, 2015). Similarly, the New EnglishCurriculum Standard points out the direction for the reform of English teaching andlearning. It pays attention to cultivating students’ interest in learning English andadvocating combining the technology with learning, which can broaden the channelsof learning and achieve the autonomous learning of the students.

Chapter Two Literature review

2.1 The definition of flipped classroom

Flipped classroom is a form of making students learn knowledge online bywatching video at home and the homework is done in class with teachers andclassmates. In the flipped classroom, students watch teaching video at home. In class,students conduct cooperative learning with teachers and classmates. The role of theteacher in the flipped classroom is a learning facilitator, who is able to workone-to-one with students, clarify assignments and provide help for students’ need. Amajor benefit is that teachers spend more time in working directly with students ratherthan lecture to them (Song, 2014). In this kind of teaching mode, the student can focusmore on the initiative learning in the classroom. Meanwhile, the student will studyand solve problems by themselves. Therefore, the student will get a deeperunderstanding of the knowledge. After class, the student plans the learning rhythm,learning style and the way to present knowledge independently. The teacher can meetthe needs of students and promote their autonomous learning through the teaching ofthe class. The student can gain more intuitive learning process through the flippedclassroom teaching mode (Huang, 2013). According to Song (2014) and Huang(2013), the flipped classroom teaching mode is different from the traditionalclassroom teaching mode in that it encourages the students to make their own pace inlearning knowledge beforeclass. Instead of teaching knowledge in class, the teacherorganizes activities to help students complete the internalization of knowledge byThemselves.

2.2 Theoretical basis

The constructivism learning theory holds the opinion that knowledge is taught bythe teacher. Also the learner can get knowledge under a certain social and culturalbackground with the help of teachers and their learning partners. The learner acquiresknowledge, which is obtained by means of meaningful construction (He, 1997). Theclassroom teaching activity of the flipped classroom is completely in accordance withconstructivism learning concept. The development of the flipped classroom is helpfulfor the student to autonomous learning.In addition, the role of the teacher in the flipped classroom is also in line with theposition in constructivism. Constructivism believes that the role of the teacher is afaithful supporter of the construction of knowledge about students. It changes the rolefrom an initiator to a partner (Zhou, 2015). The flipped classroom reduces theauthority of the teacher by letting students watch teaching videos at home. In class,the teacher usually designs teaching activities and organizes the student to carry outcooperation study by means of designing the situation.

Chapter Three Research methodology.........20

3.1 Research question............20
3.2 Participants..............20
3.3 Instruments.........21
3.4 Experimental procedure...................23
Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion..........29
4.1Analysis and discussion of questionnaire I.......... 29
4.2Analysis and discussion of questionnaire II.........33
4.3Analysis and discussion of the tests.........38
Chapter Five Conclusion and suggestion..........45
5.1 Major findings of the research.......... 45
5.2 Implication of the research.............46
5.3 Limitation of the research and suggestions for the future research............... 47

Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion

4.1Analysis and discussion of questionnaire I

Questionnaire I aims to explore the research question: Is the English flippedclassroom teaching mode helpful to arouse students’ English learning interest? If yes,to what extent?82 questionnaires are collected totally. All the questionnaires are valid. Thecomparison of English learning interest between CC and EC before the experiment ispresented as follows. The results of the data are shown in the following tables.


4.2Analysis and discussion of questionnaire II

Table 4.10 and table 4.11 show that the students in CC were not significantlydifferent the students in EC on autonomous learning ability (t (80) = -.935, p>0.05)nspections of two group means indicate that the average score of the students in CC(61.83) is close to that the students in EC (64.83). Therefore, it can be concluded thatthere is no statistically significant difference between the performances of CC and ECin pre-questionnaire II. Hence, there exists no significant difference between the CCand EC in terms of autonomous learning ability.Table 4.12 and table 4.13 show that the students in CC were significantlydifferent from the students in EC on autonomous learning ability (t (80) = -2.762,p<0.05). Inspections of two class means indicate that the average scores of thestudents who are taught under the traditional classroom teaching mode in CC (61.27)is significantly lower than that the students who are taught under the flippedclassroom teaching mode in EC (70.43). This suggests that through the teachingexperiment of the flipped classroom teaching mode in EC, the students’ autonomouslearning ability has progressed a lot and the ability gap between the students ofdifferent levels has been narrowed. It can also be known that the improvement in thestudents’ autonomous learning ability is significant. Chen (2013) also claims that theimplementation of the flipped classroom not only can improve the students’ learninginterest in writing, but also can improve thestudents’autonomous learning.The questionnaire contains 21 questions, which can be divided into 7 categories.Question 1 to 3 is about learning motivation. Question 4 to 6 is about learning time.Question 7 to 9 is about learning environment. Question 10 to 12 is about learningmethod. Question 13 to 15 is about learning process. Question 16 to 18 is aboutlearning achievement. Question 19 to 21 is about learning innovation.Through the analysis of above data, it can be seen that there is no significantchange afterten-week teaching in CC. Only 15% of the students think that they have astrong interest in English learning before the experiment. After ten-week traditionalteaching, the number of the students is the same as before. It indicates that moststudents’ learning interest is not high and is not stimulated. Only 10% of the studentsbelieve that the discussion between the classmates is an effective way of learningEnglish. However, after the experiment, the proportion reduces to 9%. It indicates thatmost of the students are not accustomed to discussing with their classmates. If theyhave some problems, they just ask the right answer from the teacher. Furthermore,10% of the students think that they are always considering the problems from newaspects before the experiment. After ten-week teaching, the proportion reduces to 4%.It indicates that most of students are not good at creative thinking. We can see thattraditional teaching mode is not helpful in cultivating the students’creative mind.In all, traditional teaching mode can not arouse the students’ interest in Englishlearning. Most students get used to passively receiving what the teachers impartwithout critical thinking. As a result, the autonomous learning ability has not beendeveloped.


Chapter Five Conclusion and suggestion

5.1 Major findings of the research

The statistical results clearly demonstrated that the flipped classroom teachingmode contributed greatly to the improvement of English proficiency. The majorfindings based on the data collected can be described in the following aspects in termsof the research questions.First of all, the flipped classroom teaching mode had an obvious effect onimproving students’ learning interest. Before the experiment, some students were notinterested in English learning, because they thought that English class was boring.After applying the flipped classroom teaching mode, the students’ learning interestwas aroused and they became confident. The students were interested in watching thelearning videos. Most of the students got the benefit from these learning materials. Itcan be known that the students can do better in learning English through the flippedclassroom teaching mode. Only when the students choose their preferred learningways, can they make more progress.Secondly, with the completion of the task in class and the analysis of the datafrom the questionnaire, the autonomous learning ability of students was improvedobviously in some aspects in EC, such as the improvement of learning motivation,learning time, learning achievements, learning innovation and learning method.Students were able to allocate their learning time and adopted their own learningmethods according to their own conditions. There was no noticeable improvementabout the learning environment and learning process. The reason was that the pupils’self-control ability is not sufficient. They are easily influenced by the externalenvironment. However, from the results of the data, it can be seen that students’autonomous learning ability has been greatly improved.

5.2 Implication of the research

Teachers play a vital role in students’ learning. There is no doubt that teachersare facing a challenge. Based on the finding of the research, some suggestions aregiven to teachers.Firstly, for the learning materials, teachers should provide learning materials thatstudent can understand. Secondly, interesting activities are effective ways of gettingstudents involved. Thus, interesting activities can help students learn more, andstudents enjoy themselves when they are involved. Thirdly, the evaluation of theflipped classroom is quite important. The members of the evaluation include thelearners, parents, classmates and teachers. The content of evaluation includes the testbefore class, the performance in class and so on. Therefore, the teacher should payattention to the class evaluation.For students, firstly, they should make full use of the learning materials beforeclass, which may improve their English proficiency a lot. Secondly, the studentsshould actively take part in the classroom activities. From the result of thequestionnaires, it seems that some students are not active in class. Students shouldhaveconfidence about themselves, and also they should develop cooperative learningability with their classmates. Only when students participate actively, will theacademic achievement be better. Thirdly, the evaluation after class should be takenseriously, which can help a lot in improving themselves.






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