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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-15 22:19
[Abstract]:The data computer room has the characteristics of high heat density and high energy consumption. In order to keep the constant temperature and humidity in the computer room, the air-conditioning system of the computer room needs to operate all the year round without interruption, and under the premise of meeting the requirement of heat dissipation, Maximum use of natural cold sources is the most effective way to reduce air conditioning energy consumption. Aiming at energy saving and good environmental adaptability, the passive heat dissipation mode of separate heat pipe in data computer room is analyzed theoretically and experimentally in this paper. Based on the existing technology in the field of engineering, this paper theoretically analyzes the significance and advantages of the application of separated heat pipe, and sets up a theoretical analysis model for the application of separated heat pipe heat dissipation system in the data machine room. The relationship of heat transfer efficiency with air volume and upwind area is studied. The key parameters such as maximum allowable outdoor temperature, annual operating time, power consumption and power saving under heat dissipation of separate heat pipe are obtained. The numerical simulation of the data room is carried out by using CFD software, and the temperature field distribution of the engine room using the separated heat pipe radiator is obtained and compared with that of the common air conditioning system. Aiming at the problem that the indoor air supply temperature is too low caused by the drop of outdoor temperature, the concrete improvement measures are put forward to reduce the outdoor air volume. By using the theoretical model to design the evaporative and condensing sections of the separated heat pipe heat transfer system, a method is put forward that can be configured flexibly according to the heat load and the actual machine room, and the construction cost is low, and the method can effectively adapt to the existing heat dissipation system in the computer room. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the experimental platform, theoretical energy consumption analysis, design calculation and performance experiment of the data engine room heat dissipation system based on separate heat pipe are built. The test bench consists of a simulated heat source with a heating power of 8kW, a cold and hot air duct and an outdoor simulation environment. The optimal heat transfer effect is obtained by adjusting the liquid filling rate of the heat pipe system. The relationship between the air volume in the evaporation section and the equilibrium temperature difference is obtained when the heat transfer is the same, and the heat transfer and COP. under different indoor and outdoor temperature differences under the same air volume are obtained. The experimental results show that the optimal liquid-filling rate of: (a) is 46.28 under the heat dissipation structure in this paper. The equilibrium temperature difference increases with the decrease of evaporation air flow when the heat exchange reaches the design target; (b) heat transfer is the same. At the same air volume of (c), the heat transfer increases linearly with the increase of indoor and outdoor temperature difference, and the COP increases linearly with constant power consumption. The conclusions can provide basis for heat load and refrigerating capacity control of heat pipe system. The theoretical analysis and experimental verification in this paper show that the separated heat pipe system has remarkable energy saving effect and can be effectively applied to the heat dissipation of high heat density buildings such as data center and communication base station.


中國期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 前10條

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中國博士學(xué)位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫 前2條

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2 周峰;兩相閉式熱虹吸管傳熱機(jī)理及其換熱機(jī)組工作特性的研究[D];北京工業(yè)大學(xué);2011年





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