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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-08 17:05

  本文選題:街道景觀 切入點(diǎn):景觀評(píng)價(jià) 出處:《福建農(nóng)林大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The construction of ecological civilization is being carried out in full swing all over the country, and the construction of beautiful urban landscape can effectively promote the process of ecological civilization construction.Street landscape is a typical green linear city landscape, is an important city landscape axis, not only can assume certain cultural functions, but also can reflect the characteristics of the city, shaping the image of the city.However, with the acceleration of urbanization and the lack of attention and maintenance to the street landscape, there are some problems in the urban street landscape, such as plant landscape configuration confusion, artificial landscape lack of design sense, landscape spatial scale imbalance and so on.It reduces the quality of the urban landscape and affects the image of the city. Therefore, the urban street landscape needs to be reformed and updated urgently, and it is of great practical significance to carry out research on the street landscape.At the present stage, most of the evaluation of street landscape renewal or reconstruction plan at home and abroad is based on the design drawings as the carrier, relying on the evaluation experts' experience and subjective consciousness to judge, lack of scientific and objective.So it is necessary to set up a set of scientific and reasonable street landscape evaluation system to transform the subjective evaluation of evaluation experts into scientific and objective quantitative evaluation.Virtual reality technology can transform the design scheme into virtual scene through computer equipment and virtual modeling software.And let the landscape evaluator immerse in the lifelike virtual scene to carry on the omnidirectional landscape experience and the appraisal through the virtual perception device.Therefore, with the help of virtual reality technology, the street landscape renewal or reconstruction scheme can be constructed into a virtual landscape scene, so that landscape evaluators can perceive and evaluate in advance, and then judge the optimal reconstruction scheme.So it is necessary to introduce virtual reality technology into street landscape evaluation.First of all, this study uses literature research method, Delphi method and other methods to sort out and synthesize the landscape evaluation index, and form 18 primary evaluation indexes of street landscape based on plant landscape, artificial landscape and spatial scale.And the use of grey statistics quantitative selection of 14 street landscape evaluation indicators; second, the use of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to determine the fuzzy weight calculation and evaluation ranking method, to build a fuzzy evaluation system of street landscape; third,Taking Fuzhou Industrial Road (Fujian Senior Age University to the Straits Technology transfer Center) as the research area, on the basis of full investigation and analysis of the present situation,Based on the virtual reality technology, the virtual scene D1 and the modified virtual scene D2D3D4 of the research area were constructed. The experts were allowed to wear VR glasses to experience and evaluate all kinds of virtual street landscape scenes.After comparing the evaluation indexes of street landscape by pairwise comparison and secondary fuzzy comparison,The fuzzy weight vector of landscape quality of D1~D4 is 0.197 / 0.269 / 0.284 / 0.250, respectively. According to the principle of maximum membership degree, the order of landscape quality of virtual scene of street landscape is D3D2D4D4, and the evaluation of D3 is the best reconstruction scheme, and through the result analysis and comprehensive comparison, the fuzzy weight vector of landscape quality of D1~D4 is 0.197 / 0.269 / 0.284 / 0.250, respectively.Verify the scientific nature and practicability of the evaluation system.Finally, based on the analysis and evaluation of landscape status, four street landscape design and optimization strategies are put forward: first, focus on the creation of street plant landscape, reflecting the beauty of landscape conception.Second, deepen the street artificial landscape planning and design, highlight the cultural landscape.Third, pay attention to building street landscape space and control street landscape scale.Fourth, strengthen the management and maintenance of street landscape.


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