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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-08 11:56

  本文選題:極化碼 切入點:極化碼構(gòu)造 出處:《深圳大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Channel coding is an important means in 5 G mobile communication, and polarization code is one of the coding methods.By combining a series of identical independent channels, the combined channels are split into bit channels.The resulting bit channels have polarization characteristics, that is, one part of the bit channel capacity is equal to 1, the other part of the capacity is zero.Using this property of polarization codes, free information bits can be transmitted in perfect good channels and fixed bits in fully noisy channels, that is, information known to both sender and receiver, such as check information.This method can ensure that the channel capacity tends to Shannon limit when the code length tends to be infinite.There are two key problems to be solved in polarization codes: one is the construction of polarization codes and the other is to improve the decoding performance of polarization codes.Solving this problem is of great significance for the application of polarization codes in 5G channel coding.First of all, this paper introduces the development of communication system and channel coding, and then describes the theoretical basis of polarization code, including: the characteristics of channel polarization, channel combination,The channel splitting, the basic frame of polarization code coding and the basic process of decoding.Secondly, the construction and decoding of polarization codes are studied in this paper.In this paper, we consider three classical construction methods of polarization codes: Monte Carlo construction, Gao Si approximation structure and density evolution structure.In this paper, the flow chart of these three methods is given, and the performance analysis of Monte Carlo structure and Gao Si approximate structure is carried out, and the conclusion that Gao Si approximate decoding algorithm has better performance is obtained.On the problem of decoding polarization codes, this paper studies the continuation cancellation decoding algorithm, the list continuation cancellation decoding algorithm, and the cyclic check list continuation cancellation algorithm, CRC-LSC. in this paper, we study the following algorithms: the continuation cancellation algorithm, the list continuation cancellation algorithm, and the list continuation cancellation algorithm (CRC-LSCC).Based on the detailed implementation of the three algorithms, the relationship between decoding performance and code length of SC decoding algorithm is studied, and the relationship between decoding performance and search width of LSC decoding algorithm is studied.Finally, the decoding performance of the three decoding algorithms under the same conditions is studied.Finally, a piecewise polarization codec system is proposed.By analyzing the polarization phenomenon of polarization codes, it is found that the number of information ratios to be transmitted is often greater than that of fully polarized channels.And the error bits that occur in decoding are those that are transmitted in channels that do not have fully polarized codes.Therefore, a piecewise polarization codec system is proposed to ensure that all free information bits are transmitted in a fully polarized channel by reasonably segmenting the information that needs to be sent.The decoding performance in this piecewise system is also given.In this paper, the coding and decoding methods of the system are given.Simulation results show that the decoding performance has been significantly improved, but achieved in sacrificing the channel utilization, so how to improve the channel utilization is one of the key tasks in the future.


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