

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-09 03:01

  本文選題:終端直連 切入點:部分頻率復用 出處:《湖北工業(yè)大學》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:近年來移動終端數(shù)量急劇增長,人們對數(shù)據(jù)傳輸速率要求越來越高,5G網絡的研究工作早已開始。終端直連(Device-to-Device,D2D)技術作為5G網絡的主要技術之一,允許用戶終端之間直接進行數(shù)據(jù)傳輸而不需要基站的中繼,達到降低小區(qū)基站負載、增大網絡容量以及降低通信時延的目的,從而滿足用戶的需求。然而D2D用戶在進行鏈路傳輸?shù)耐瑫r,也會給蜂窩用戶帶來嚴重的同頻干擾。本論文針對干擾問題,以移動通信技術的理論和方法為基礎,結合更加復雜的基于部分頻率復用(Fractional Frequency Reuse,FFR)的研究場景,設計了三種資源調配方案來提升系統(tǒng)的性能。論文所作的主要工作與成果如下:(1)針對基于FFR的D2D通信工作模式中的資源調配問題,設計出一種模式優(yōu)先級的資源調配方案。此方案中,基站按照模式順序給處于不同位置的D2D用戶調配資源。近端用戶調配到專用資源,遠端用戶和其它用戶調配到共享資源。另外,基站會為D2D用戶資源的調配進行動態(tài)調整,讓所有D2D用戶盡可能調配到理想的資源。(2)針對傳統(tǒng)FFR研究場景中資源調配時,邊緣區(qū)域用戶可能復用同一種頻率而產生干擾的問題,設計了一種頻帶優(yōu)先級的資源調配方案。通過把現(xiàn)有的邊緣區(qū)域再劃分為內邊緣區(qū)域和外邊緣區(qū)域,并把核心區(qū)域的頻帶分為3個不同的子頻帶,讓處于核心區(qū)域、內外邊緣區(qū)域的D2D用戶根據(jù)不同的優(yōu)先級使用資源,從而避免了小區(qū)邊緣的同頻干擾問題。(3)針對傳統(tǒng)研究中D2D用戶隨機獲取資源進行通信時資源利用率低的問題,通過模糊聚類算法把這些D2D用戶按照屬性差異性分成一些D2D用戶組,使同一組D2D用戶能復用同一個蜂窩的資源,提高資源利用率。同時為保證蜂窩用戶QoS,對最優(yōu)蜂窩資源如何選擇進行了分析。仿真結果表明,上述方案對系統(tǒng)的性能都有一定提升。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the number of mobile terminals has increased rapidly.As one of the main technologies of 5G network, the terminal direct-connected Device-to-DeviceD2D (D2D) technology allows the user terminals to transmit data directly without the need of base station relay, so as to reduce the cell base station load, increase the network capacity and reduce the communication delay.In order to meet the needs of users.However, D2D users can also bring serious co-frequency interference to the cellular users while performing link transmission.In this paper, based on the theory and method of mobile communication technology, three resource allocation schemes are designed to improve the performance of the system.The main work and results of this paper are as follows: (1) aiming at the problem of resource allocation in D2D communication mode based on FFR, a resource allocation scheme based on mode priority is designed.In this scheme, the base station allocates resources to D2D users in different locations according to mode order.Near-end users are deployed to dedicated resources, remote users and other users to share resources.In addition, the base station will dynamically adjust the allocation of D2D user resources so that all D2D users can be allocated to the ideal resource as far as possible.Edge area users may reuse the same frequency and cause interference. A resource allocation scheme based on frequency band priority is proposed.By dividing existing edge regions into inner and outer edge regions, and dividing the frequency bands of core regions into three different sub-bands, D2D users in core, internal and external edge areas can use resources according to different priorities.Therefore, the problem of co-frequency interference at the edge of the cell is avoided. (3) the problem of low resource utilization when D2D users randomly acquire resources for communication in traditional research is avoided.These D2D users can be divided into some D2D user groups according to the attribute differences by fuzzy clustering algorithm, so that the same group of D2D users can reuse the resources of the same cell and improve the resource utilization.At the same time, how to select the optimal cellular resources is analyzed to ensure the QoS of cellular users.The simulation results show that the performance of the system is improved.


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