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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-05 16:34

  本文選題:知識(shí)服務(wù) 切入點(diǎn):出版業(yè) 出處:《北京印刷學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:At present, the world has entered the era of knowledge economy, knowledge competition has become the main battlefield of international competition, how to extract valuable correct understanding from massive information and data resources, how to transform the refined knowledge into actual productivity,It has become a new historical topic.As a new service mode based on the construction of knowledge resources and advanced stage, knowledge service is scientific and advanced.The publishing industry, which is located at the entrance and exit of knowledge, has its unique advantage in developing knowledge service.The purpose of this paper is to sort out and analyze the development and evolution of knowledge services in China's publishing industry, look back to the past, base on the present and look forward to the future, in order to draw a picture of the development of knowledge services in China's publishing industry.At the same time for its future development to provide more feasible reference.This paper mainly discusses from six chapters: the first chapter is introduction, including the background, significance, related literature review and core concept interpretation; chapter two, the reason of the development of knowledge service in China's publishing industry.In order to judge the necessity and advantage of the development of knowledge service in the publishing industry, the development course of the knowledge service of the publishing industry in China starts from two dimensions of diachronic and synchronic.Diachronic emphasis on the direction and trend of change, synchronic attention to the commonness and characteristics of development, the two complement each other, combing the evolution of the course.To the micro enterprise model innovation, from top to bottom outline the current knowledge service development picture, at the same time introduces the French letter platform as the case to carry on the analysis, in order to provide the concrete explanation research; the fifth chapter our country publication industry knowledge service future development,Based on the above study, four feasible suggestions are summarized for reference. Chapter six concludes the whole research results of the thesis, analyzes the innovation and deficiency, and points out the further research direction in the future.


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