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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-05 09:41

  本文選題:留學(xué) 切入點(diǎn):新媒體傳播 出處:《鄭州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the deepening of the internationalization of education in our country, the exchange and cooperation of higher education at home and abroad are becoming more and more frequent, and the market for studying abroad is becoming more and more hot. Parents and students need to study abroad to receive high quality education from famous foreign universities.At present, the domestic universities and institutions carrying out Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools and studying abroad are booming, and the competition of enrollment among the programs is becoming more and more fierce.How to build and manage the brand of the project and how to use all kinds of new media channels to promote and promote effectively to obtain enough students determine whether the project can be bigger and stronger.This research takes the brand construction and the new media communication channel strategy of the study abroad project of Chongqing University of posts and Telecommunications University as the research object. On the basis of collecting and arranging, reading a large number of materials and researching and discussing on the spot, combined with the EMBA curriculum theory,Based on the knowledge of marketing management, this paper systematically introduces and analyzes the brand construction and brand marketing status of the study abroad program of the Institute, and studies the communication channels and management strategies under the new media environment of the Institute.Comparing with the new and old media communication channels and the present situation, this paper puts forward some innovative measures and strategies: to make better use of new media communication channels to carry out brand communication and brand construction of overseas study abroad projects, so as to attract more people to pay attention to the transfer of college.Promote the trust of parents and students to the study abroad project of the college, integrate the resources of the new media communication channel of the college study abroad project, centralize the management, use the whole, to realize the best marketing and propaganda effect.This paper deeply analyzes the feasibility of the new media communication strategy of the study abroad project of the transfer Institute, and how to use the new media communication channel strategy to further expand the enrollment scale and the quality: to integrate and utilize various new media communication means,In order to meet the needs of new media channels, brand construction and brand marketing are combined, and innovative measures and strategies are put forward.The article also aims at the future development direction of the industry of studying abroad, on the basis of the above analysis, combs and sums up the successful experience of the project of studying abroad, which will be the brand expansion of the college next step.Further expanding the enrollment scale and quality of the study abroad program will also provide a useful reference for the development of the study abroad program in the fraternal colleges and universities.


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