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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-30 18:35

  本文選題:水泥燒成系統(tǒng) 切入點(diǎn):OPC協(xié)議 出處:《青島科技大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Energy shortage and environmental pollution have become a global concern, and these two problems have become a major problem restricting the development of our country.For cement industry, "low carbon cement, green development" has become the inevitable requirement of China's emerging economic model.Methods to improve the efficiency of energy use by designing various control analysis software have been implemented in many fields and have achieved immediate benefits.This topic mainly studies the cement burning intelligent monitoring system, completes the energy data on-line collection through the computer, and carries on the classification, the conformity and the analysis calculation to the data, in order to facilitate the accuracy,Monitor and optimize the energy consumption in cement production process quickly and in real time.In this paper, based on the XX cement plant-production line, the following work is carried out: 1) analyzing the technological process of the cement firing system, and analyzing the parameters needed to complete the monitoring and control of the system in detail.Then determine the main grate cooler optimization control as the core of the monitoring scheme.On this basis, the functional structure of cement firing intelligent monitoring system is designed.Finally, the four modules of foreground interface, data processing, communication module and optimization control algorithm are designed in detail. The software is developed according to the functions and characteristics of cement burning intelligent monitoring system, and then the software interface is designed in detail.The development of data processing module and communication module based on OPC communication protocol is completed, and the reading and writing mode and workflow of OPC communication interface are analyzed, and the algorithm module based on rule base and reasoning machine grate pressure optimization control algorithm is designed.Based on this, a working condition recognizer is designed.Then the dynamic recursive optimization algorithm is used to find out the optimal thermal efficiency of grate cooler and the corresponding set value of grate pressure optimization. The rule base and inference machine are established as expert knowledge, and the guiding value of grate pressure optimization is provided to the user.


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