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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-30 23:36

  本文選題:Kinect 切入點(diǎn):姿勢識(shí)別 出處:《沈陽工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the field of machine vision and image processing, recognition of human posture has become an important issue, and in human-computer interaction, Virtual reality and intelligent video surveillance are widely used. However, there are still many problems that have not been solved well, which affect the understanding of human behavior by computer. But the reconstruction of two-dimensional to three-dimensional information can lose a lot of important data and affect the accuracy of motion recognition. Although researchers have designed a variety of image reconstruction algorithms, but still can not avoid lighting, The Kinect sensor uses a new way to capture images, which capture depth images with spatial distances through a pair of infrared cameras. On the basis of the depth image, the skeletal data stream with three-dimensional coordinate information is extracted. But Kinect does not give a high-level function of posture recognition, because the human body's actions vary greatly. It is very difficult to construct a universal model for recognition. In order to improve the effect of motion recognition, we use Kinect sensor to get the three-dimensional coordinates of 20 skeletal joints, and according to the characteristics of human posture, The relative distance and angle sequence of the node are taken as the characteristic parameters. In the recognition of static pose, the sample set is trained by the feature vector, and the posture is recognized by using KNN algorithm as the classifier. After analyzing the time characteristics of motion feature series, the linear regression method is used to train the sample curve, and the least square method is used to fit an optimal angle curve as the standard template. Considering the difference of time series between curves, the joint angle curve of different length is matched by DTW algorithm, and the action is evaluated by defining a set of formulas. The difference of DTW between curves is taken as the experimental parameter. Finally, the evaluation method is applied to the body feeling game of action scoring. The feasibility of using relative distance and the angle of gate node as the feature vectors of action recognition is analyzed experimentally in this paper. Four of the four forms of Taijiquan are selected as static. State posture recognition object, The experimental results show that the attitude recognition rate can be obtained by this method. Then, the experimental data of motion evaluation are analyzed, and the distribution of DTW difference sample points from 8 angles is summarized. A set of formulas is defined to evaluate the action, and a motion evaluation system is designed to demonstrate the rationality of the evaluation method. The complexity of the evaluation method is increased. The next work is to improve the parameters of the action evaluation formula to make the evaluation method more efficient and adaptive.


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