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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-29 15:42

  本文選題:等位 切入點:游戲模式 出處:《北京交通大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:目前,就餐時等位在生活中是一種十分常見的現(xiàn)象,尤其對于一些口碑很好的飯店來說,每到用餐高峰期,等位少則十幾分鐘,多至一兩個小時。等位的過程大部分是十分無趣的,一些服務(wù)較好的商家(如海底撈等)會提供小食飲料、棋牌桌游等娛樂項目給等位的顧客,但大部分情況下顧客仍然感覺等位非常無聊和乏味。因此,如果在等位過程中,能夠與其他等位客人一起方便、快捷地進行一局游戲,不失為一種不錯的消遣方式。因此,本文設(shè)計了一個等位娛樂系統(tǒng),等位玩家能夠方便、快捷地加入并進行游戲。系統(tǒng)中的游戲可供多人參與,并且,未參與游戲的等位客人也可以看到目前的游戲情況。目前,系統(tǒng)中搭載了兩個游戲,分別為《KeepUp》和《迷宮大冒險》。《Keep Up》需要一個顯示屏、一個Android系統(tǒng)的電視盒以及玩家自己的手機即可,玩家通過微信掃描二維碼來加入游戲,掃碼后跳轉(zhuǎn)到游戲的操作頁面,在自己手機上進行操作;游戲界面顯示在大屏幕上,所有人都可以看到!睹詫m大冒險》是一款VR游戲,所需設(shè)備在普通游戲的基礎(chǔ)上還需要兩個Android手機、兩個VR眼鏡和兩個Leap Motion控制器。玩家在游戲中使用第一人稱視角,還需要通過手勢和旋轉(zhuǎn)來控制對應(yīng)角色的動作。同時,參與游戲的玩家看到的場景也會顯示在大屏幕上,其他等位顧客也都可以看到VR游戲的場景。在等位娛樂系統(tǒng)中,本人主要參與了系統(tǒng)的需求分析、概要設(shè)計和部分功能的詳細設(shè)計與實現(xiàn)。需求分析中得出系統(tǒng)的主要用戶為等位顧客和商家,顧客作為玩家,商家負責(zé)為玩家提供設(shè)備與游戲,并根據(jù)不同的用戶得出系統(tǒng)用例。概要設(shè)計中,根據(jù)需求分析的結(jié)果對系統(tǒng)進行了功能劃分,將系統(tǒng)分為了游戲操作端、游戲顯示端、服務(wù)器和游戲商城購買平臺。本人主要完成了游戲操作端和服務(wù)器的詳細設(shè)計與實現(xiàn),以及系統(tǒng)中搭載的兩個游戲的開發(fā)實現(xiàn)。最后對系統(tǒng)做了總結(jié)與展望。
[Abstract]:At present, allelism is a very common phenomenon in daily life, especially for some well-regarded restaurants, when the peak time is reached, the number of alleles is less than 10 minutes. Up to an hour or two. The allelic process is mostly very boring, and some of the better service merchants (such as the bottom of the sea, etc.) offer refreshments, board games, and other entertainment items to allelic customers. But most of the time customers still find alleles very boring and boring. Therefore, it is a good pastime to be able to play a game easily and quickly with other alleles in the course of the allele. This paper designs an allelic entertainment system, in which allele players can join and play games conveniently and quickly. The games in the system can be played by more than one person, and the allele who does not participate in the game can also see the current situation of the game. There are two games in the system: < KeepUp > and < Maze Adventure >. < Keep up > requires a display screen, a TV box for the Android system and a player's own mobile phone. Players can join the game by scanning the QR code on WeChat. The game interface is displayed on the big screen and everyone can see it. "Maze Adventure" is a VR game. The device also requires two Android phones, two VR glasses and two Leap Motion controllers based on ordinary games. Players use the first person angle of view in the game, and use gestures and rotation to control the movements of their characters. At the same time, Players involved in the game will see the scene will also be displayed on the large screen, other allelic customers can also see the VR game scene. In the allele entertainment system, I mainly participate in the system requirements analysis, In the requirement analysis, the main users of the system are allelic customers and merchants, customers as players, merchants are responsible for providing equipment and games for players, And according to different users to get the system use cases. Summary design, according to the results of requirements analysis, the system is divided into the game operator, game display, Server and game mall purchase platform. I mainly completed the detailed design and implementation of the game operator and server, as well as the development and implementation of the two games carried in the system. Finally, the system is summarized and prospected.


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