

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-29 10:12

  本文選題:ERP付款全流程 切入點:工程項目預控 出處:《山東大學》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:ERP作為一種較為先進的企業(yè)資源管理信息系統(tǒng),重要原因是它可以借助現(xiàn)代較為發(fā)達的信息技術,幫助企業(yè)優(yōu)化資源的配置和管理,降低企業(yè)創(chuàng)造價值的成本,實現(xiàn)企業(yè)資源的集約化管理。付款作為財務部門的一項重要工作,故財務付款信息化是行業(yè)的必然選擇。而作為已經(jīng)成功部署ERP系統(tǒng)的企業(yè),那么選擇在現(xiàn)有ERP基礎之上二次開發(fā)設計出針對財務付款全流程的一套系統(tǒng),無疑是這類企業(yè)實現(xiàn)付款信息化最便捷的途徑。基于ERP的付款結算全流程系統(tǒng)的設計和實現(xiàn)能為企業(yè)在財務付款環(huán)節(jié)節(jié)省成本、為付款流程的各環(huán)節(jié)操作人員提供了便利。如:付款前,財務付款條件是否均已滿足、在供應商到貨后多長時間可申請付款、若企業(yè)與供應商有保函的控制又該如何實施付款、對于多種條件的付款方式企業(yè)應該在完成第一種付款申請后多長時間提交第二次或者第三次付款申請等等。而這些問題將會隨著該系統(tǒng)的成功設計和實現(xiàn)得到實際解決。首先,本文是在探究企業(yè)ERP付款全流程的項目實施背景和研究目的的基礎上,對系統(tǒng)的功能需求進行詳細的說明和分析,在此基礎上,通過使用流程圖這種形式,對系統(tǒng)需求做了詳細的說明。隨后,以需求分析為前提,我們進行了 ERP付款合同結算流程架構設計。其次,進行電力行業(yè)ERP付款全流程管理系統(tǒng)的詳細規(guī)劃與設計。在這一環(huán)節(jié),我們根據(jù)管理的差異化和整體化的模式,對系統(tǒng)進行具體的設計。而且,本文也對該系統(tǒng)所有功能的設計情況進行了相應的闡述。在系統(tǒng)設計開始之前,先了解傳統(tǒng)的ERP付款模式是什么樣子的,在此基礎之上,分析傳統(tǒng)ERP付款存在的弊端,進而詳細介紹基于ERP基礎的新的付款全流程如何解決傳統(tǒng)弊端,以此來進行各個功能點的詳細分析,進而達到整體功能點的整合。第三,在詳細設計的基礎上,對用戶權限進行設計。第四,系統(tǒng)上線試點運行,針對國網(wǎng)北京市電力公司的關鍵用戶進行試點操做過程中遇到的小的系統(tǒng)漏洞,進行重新分析編制功能需求說明書,并開發(fā)測試上線。最后,依據(jù)需求分析階段、系統(tǒng)設計階段及系統(tǒng)實施階段遇到的問題及解決措施進行總結,并編制該系統(tǒng)設計與實施心得。本文基于國家電網(wǎng)公司關于合同結算的業(yè)務要求和現(xiàn)有的付款流程,分析了解業(yè)務實際需求和業(yè)務流程,并結合合同結算的思想,設計和實現(xiàn)基于ERP的月度付款全流程的系統(tǒng)流程。按流程階段劃分包括查詢系統(tǒng)內(nèi)項目/合同物資結算一覽表,查詢未支付的數(shù)據(jù),進行付款所需條件確認及勾選操作、編制月度付款計劃、付款計劃審核、付款申請創(chuàng)建、付款支付以及支付完成幾個部分。ERP付款全流程系統(tǒng)的設計與實現(xiàn),避免傳統(tǒng)ERP付款環(huán)節(jié)帶來的弊端,簡化了電力行業(yè)財務環(huán)節(jié)操作流程,為電力行業(yè)業(yè)務順利開展提供便利。
[Abstract]:As an advanced enterprise resource management information system, ERP can help enterprises optimize the allocation and management of resources and reduce the cost of creating value by means of modern and more developed information technology. Realize the intensive management of enterprise resources. Payment as an important work of the financial department, so financial payment information is the inevitable choice of the industry, and as a successful deployment of ERP system enterprises, Well, we choose to develop and design a system for the whole process of financial payment based on the existing ERP. It is undoubtedly the most convenient way for this kind of enterprise to realize payment informatization. The design and implementation of the payment and settlement system based on ERP can save the cost in the financial payment link. For example, whether the financial payment conditions have been met before payment, how long the supplier can apply for payment after the arrival of the goods, and how to implement the payment if the enterprise and the supplier have the control of guarantee, For multi-conditional payment mode enterprises, how long should they submit a second or third payment application after the completion of the first payment application, etc. These problems will be solved practically with the successful design and implementation of the system. On the basis of exploring the background and purpose of the project implementation of the whole ERP payment process, this paper explains and analyzes the functional requirements of the system in detail, and on this basis, through the use of flow chart, The system requirements are explained in detail. Then, based on the requirement analysis, we design the ERP payment contract settlement process architecture. Detailed planning and design of ERP payment process management system in electric power industry. In this link, we design the system according to the model of differentiation and integration of management. This paper also describes the design of all the functions of the system. Before the system design begins, we first understand what the traditional ERP payment mode looks like, and then analyze the disadvantages of the traditional ERP payment. Then the new payment process based on ERP is introduced in detail how to solve the traditional malpractice, so as to carry out the detailed analysis of each function point, and then achieve the integration of the whole function point. Thirdly, on the basis of the detailed design, Fourth, the system goes online in pilot operation, aiming at the small system loophole encountered by key users of Beijing Electric Power Company of China Power Company in the course of pilot operation, it reanalyzes and compiles the functional requirements specification. Finally, according to the requirement analysis stage, the system design stage and the system implementation stage, the problems encountered and the solution measures are summarized. Based on the business requirements of the State Grid Company on contract settlement and the existing payment process, this paper analyzes the actual business requirements and business processes, and combines the idea of contract settlement. Design and implement the system flow of monthly payment process based on ERP. Divide it into two parts according to the process stage, including the item / contract material settlement list in the system, the non-payment data, the condition confirmation and tick operation of payment. Prepare monthly payment plan, audit payment plan, create payment request, pay payment and complete payment. Design and implement the whole payment flow system of ERP, avoid the drawback brought by traditional ERP payment link. It simplifies the operation flow of financial links in electric power industry and facilitates the smooth development of power industry business.


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