l(f)rg2018-12-15 09:39
ժҪwгԺ^͛_ؓă(yu)c,^LB(yng)İl(f)չ˿swγɕrg,ͶX}MЏ鿼X}wγ^е,̽ӑ˲ͬX}ͶӌwΑB(ti)ԵӰ;XԪL^еĺ׃ͿgֲҎ(gu);^EPSĺֲ׃;оͬSBRwȾ̎ЧҪY:(1)SBR\еĵ10-16 d,ͨ^ͶPACXķʽB(yng)wͶPAC(R2)X(R3)wM,c,ͶX}wrgǰ10 d,L^ڷ\е32 dr,R1R2R3wMLSSքe3.9 g/L5.0 g/L5.2 g/L;SVIքe74 m L/g78 m L/g58 m L/g,ͶX܃(yu)PAC(2)EPSY:wijL(8-25 d),͌սM^(R1),ͶPAC(R2)ͶX(R3)ʹLB-EPSTB-EPS,LB-EPS^,MӿwγEPSе|(zh)ĺӺپӵ^̡SɹDV,ڷ\^,21 dEPSзBDEğɹ⏊ȴ50 d,ͶX}wEPSWYӰС,tDV,R1R2R3EPSĹ܈F鵰|(zh)YAmideͶ(3)16-29 dA(ni),ͶPACXԪغ30.46%0.43%ͶXXԪغ45.69%13.29%\42 dr,ͶXXԪغ1.09%,@ڽ(jng)PAC(0.02%)(4)ͶӲͬX}ÿܲͬ,PACͶͨ^ճY,EPSķ,EPScgĘBþۼXͶʹۼw(ni)γһXԪصĺ,ʹEPS,ĶӿwM(5)wijLA,սM(R1)ͶPAC(R2)ͶX(R3)ļ(sh)ʬF(xin)څ,X}Ͷӌеļ(sh)o@Ӱ푡30-41 dr,wеļ(sh)׃,R1R2R3ļ(sh)քe:6.7109 cfu/g,1.031010 cfu/g7109 cfu/gͨ^FISHg18 drеֲ,l(f)F(xin)R2ֲ,R3ֲ,^١ͶX}ĺƈAε,R1кΑB(ti)oҎ(gu)t(6)ͶPAC(R2)X(R3)wCODƽȥʾ98%,δͶӻ(R1)ȥʞ93%;R1R2R3кwȥʷքe75%81%75%
[Abstract]:Aerobic granular sludge has the advantages of good sedimentation, high biomass and stronger impact load resistance, but its development is limited by the long culture period. In order to shorten the forming time of granular sludge, aluminum salt was added to strengthen granulation. In order to investigate the role of aluminum salt in the formation of granular sludge, the effects of different aluminum salt coagulants on the morphology and basic characteristics of granular sludge were discussed, and the changes of aluminum content and spatial distribution in sludge growth were analyzed. The content and distribution of EPS in granulation process were analyzed, and the effects of granular sludge in different SBR reactors on the treatment of pollutants were studied. The main results are as follows: (1) aerobic particles were cultured by adding PAC and aluminum sulfate at 10-16 days of SBR. The process of sludge granulation was accelerated by adding PAC (R2) and aluminum sulfate (R3). Compared with the control, the granulation time of the sludge added with aluminum salt was 10 days earlier, and the particle size of sludge increased faster. The MLSS of granular sludge in R _ 1 ~ 2 ~ 2 and R _ 3 was 3.9 g / L ~ (5.0) g / L ~ (5. 2) g / L ~ (5.2) g / L, respectively, when the reactor was running for 32 days. The physical properties of the sludge added with aluminum sulfate were superior to those of PAC. (2) EPS analysis. The results showed that in the growth period of granular sludge (8-25 d),) compared with control group (R1), the physical properties of the sludge added with aluminum sulfate were better than those of the control group (R1). The addition of PAC (R2) and aluminum sulfate (R3) increased the contents of LB-EPS and TB-EPS, and the content of LB-EPS increased greatly, which accelerated the formation of granular sludge. The content of protein in all kinds of EPS increased first and then decreased and then increased slowly. Three-dimensional fluorescence spectra showed that the fluorescence intensities of peak B _ (D) and E in EPS were more than 50 days during the operation of the reactor. The effect of aluminum salt on the chemical structure of mature granular sludge (EPS) was small. The infrared spectra showed that, R _ (1), and B _ (D) and E were more than 50 days. The functional groups of sludge EPS in R2 and R3 were protein secondary structure Amide
[Abstract]:Aerobic granular sludge has the advantages of good sedimentation, high biomass and stronger impact load resistance, but its development is limited by the long culture period. In order to shorten the forming time of granular sludge, aluminum salt was added to strengthen granulation. In order to investigate the role of aluminum salt in the formation of granular sludge, the effects of different aluminum salt coagulants on the morphology and basic characteristics of granular sludge were discussed, and the changes of aluminum content and spatial distribution in sludge growth were analyzed. The content and distribution of EPS in granulation process were analyzed, and the effects of granular sludge in different SBR reactors on the treatment of pollutants were studied. The main results are as follows: (1) aerobic particles were cultured by adding PAC and aluminum sulfate at 10-16 days of SBR. The process of sludge granulation was accelerated by adding PAC (R2) and aluminum sulfate (R3). Compared with the control, the granulation time of the sludge added with aluminum salt was 10 days earlier, and the particle size of sludge increased faster. The MLSS of granular sludge in R _ 1 ~ 2 ~ 2 and R _ 3 was 3.9 g / L ~ (5.0) g / L ~ (5. 2) g / L ~ (5.2) g / L, respectively, when the reactor was running for 32 days. The physical properties of the sludge added with aluminum sulfate were superior to those of PAC. (2) EPS analysis. The results showed that in the growth period of granular sludge (8-25 d),) compared with control group (R1), the physical properties of the sludge added with aluminum sulfate were better than those of the control group (R1). The addition of PAC (R2) and aluminum sulfate (R3) increased the contents of LB-EPS and TB-EPS, and the content of LB-EPS increased greatly, which accelerated the formation of granular sludge. The content of protein in all kinds of EPS increased first and then decreased and then increased slowly. Three-dimensional fluorescence spectra showed that the fluorescence intensities of peak B _ (D) and E in EPS were more than 50 days during the operation of the reactor. The effect of aluminum salt on the chemical structure of mature granular sludge (EPS) was small. The infrared spectra showed that, R _ (1), and B _ (D) and E were more than 50 days. The functional groups of sludge EPS in R2 and R3 were protein secondary structure Amide