

發(fā)布時間:2018-12-11 04:43
[Abstract]:Heavy metal pollution is a common environmental problem, but in Xigu Petrochemical Industrial Zone of Lanzhou City, due to historical problems, some of the land is used as vegetable land, which makes heavy metal pollution more complicated. In this study, the pollution of heavy metals in the soil-plant system around the petrochemical industrial area was evaluated, and the remediation of brown land after the relocation of Lanzhou Petrochemical was discussed. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The content of As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Hg,Pb in the surface soil of vegetable field around Xigu Petrochemical Industrial Zone of Lanzhou was higher than that of the local background value, but lower than that of the second class standard of soil environment in China. The contents of heavy metals in edible parts of vegetable fields around petrochemical industrial area are lower than the safety requirements of agricultural products, pollution-free vegetables. 2. The results of potential ecological risk assessment showed that the ecological effects of heavy metal pollution on soil were serious, and the accumulation of Cd and Hg was the main risk source. The results of human health risk assessment showed that soil particles entering the mouth and daily edible vegetables were the main exposure pathways of heavy metals to local residents. The health risks of local residents are mainly due to exposure to Cr and As. In addition, Pb also poses a carcinogenic risk to local residents. 4. 4. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis divided the heavy metal sources into three categories: Cu,Cd,Cr and Pb mainly derived from industrial activities and transportation; Hg mainly from coal combustion; As mainly from soil parent material. 5. The ability of extracting heavy metals from plants collected from the periphery of petrochemical industrial area was higher than that of cabbage, but lower than the standard of superaccumulative plants. Among them, Ulmus elm, Begonia chinensis, Jerusalem artichoke and Ulmus pumila had strong ability to extract heavy metals. If it is used as a phytoremediation material for heavy metal pollution in local soil, it is necessary to use phytoremediation measures. 6. Based on the conclusions of the study, the following suggestions are put forward: 1) soil in petrochemical industrial areas is not suitable for agricultural production activities, land use should be changed as soon as possible and pollution treatment should be carried out. 2) in order to reduce health risks, Local residents should try to wear masks outdoors to filter particulates in the air. At the same time, try to avoid eating vegetables produced by vegetable fields in petrochemical industrial areas.


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