

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-10 17:38
[Abstract]:Urban sewage treatment plant is the most effective and important way to solve the water pollution problem. It has remarkable social, economic and environmental benefits. However, due to the consideration of the advanced nature and stability of the treatment process and the project investment in the construction process, the influence of high energy consumption on the subsequent operation cost of the wastewater treatment plant is ignored. As a result, many sewage treatment plants are under great pressure on local finance after completion, and some sewage treatment plants can not operate normally because of the high operating cost. Based on the analysis of the energy consumption composition and energy consumption distribution during the operation of the wastewater treatment plant, this paper puts forward the energy saving optimization design method of the electric and automatic control system in the design stage of the sewage treatment plant project, and verifies it through the Wulanhaote East District sewage Plant Project. Obvious energy saving effect has been achieved. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the wastewater treatment plant is divided into pretreatment unit, biochemical treatment section process unit and sludge treatment stage process unit according to the process unit. Among them, the energy consumption of pretreatment stage accounts for about 18% of the energy consumption of the whole plant, the energy consumption of biological treatment section accounts for 5570 of the energy consumption of the whole plant, and the energy consumption of sludge treatment section accounts for 8% and 10% of the energy consumption of the whole plant. Sewage lifting and aeration systems are the two most energy-consuming links in the plant. About 80% of the power consumption in the whole plant. (2) the optimal design of energy saving in the electric system of sewage treatment plant should include: reasonably determining the working system of the equipment and optimizing the load calculation algorithm for selecting the demand coefficient; Select the type of energy-saving transformer, reasonably determine the capacity selection, optimize the operation mode, according to the load distribution, optimize the substation location layout; Power factor and harmonic suppression are improved by selecting power equipment, low voltage side centralized reactive power compensation and transformer wiring, and low loss cable is selected to optimize distribution route. Adopt high efficiency motor, soft start and frequency conversion speed regulation means to reduce the equipment running energy consumption; Select high-efficiency energy-saving lamps, reasonable distribution of light, reasonable selection of illumination, optimization control to reduce the energy consumption of lighting. (3) the optimal design of energy saving of automatic control system of sewage treatment plant should be mainly based on the control scale and control requirements of the sewage plant control system. At present, (DCS) and (FCS); are mainly used in the control system of wastewater treatment plant in China, which is based on distributed control system (DCS) and fieldbus control system (FCS);). The energy saving optimization design of automatic control system in preprocessing section includes grid level difference control, polling control of sewage lifting pump group and variable frequency speed regulation control, and management of energy saving methods, such as low water flow at night, low speed operation or stop operation of water pump, Make full use of water storage capacity to maintain high water level and reduce head loss. Energy saving optimization of automatic control system in biological treatment section includes continuous control of biochemical pool process equipment, optimization of treatment efficiency of biochemical tank, frequency conversion control of digestible liquid reflux pump and frequency conversion control of blower on demand for gas supply. The energy saving optimization design of automatic control system of sludge treatment section includes sludge level control and automatic control of sludge dewatering machine.


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