

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-07 16:39

  本文選題:北京市 切入點(diǎn):居住平房 出處:《中國環(huán)境科學(xué)》2017年03期

[Abstract]:Based on the 1.5m high resolution remote sensing image of August 2015, the type, area and distribution of residence bungalow in Beijing plain area were monitored by remote sensing, and the patch of residence house was obtained, and the area of house heating was investigated.By means of spot sampling investigation and other technical means, the total amount of coal burning in winter for residential houses in the main areas of Beijing Plain District was estimated, and the anthracite emission factor combined with the related literature investigation was also used to estimate the total amount of coal burning in winter.The emissions of coal-fired PMSO2 / COCX, black carbon (BCC) and organic carbon (OCC) were measured in the main areas of Beijing plain, which provided basic data for the control of raw coal and the prevention and control of air pollution.The results show that the coal burning capacity in Tongzhou district of Beijing Plain is the largest, reaching 974000 t, followed by Shunyi and Daxing districts, each exceeding 600000 ts. Changping District and Fangshan District are close to 500000 t.From the spatial distribution point of view, the amount of pulverized coal increased from the northwest to the southeast. The amount of coal burning was mainly concentrated in the new urban development areas, and the focus of the reduction of coal combustion was still concentrated in the areas inside and outside the sixth Ring Road.However, the Chaoyang area and the area behind Haidian Mountain in the urban development area are the key areas for the control of scattered coal, which should be attached importance to by the relevant departments. In 2015, the coal consumption of residential bungalows in the Beijing Plain area,The emission of air pollutants from coal burning in different areas is different, and the emission of SO_2 and NO_x in Tongzhou district is the highest, which is 3534.4t / 2514.0t respectively.
【作者單位】: 北京市環(huán)境保護(hù)監(jiān)測中心;大氣顆粒物監(jiān)測技術(shù)北京市重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室;


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