

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-05 23:30

  本文選題:滲濾液 切入點(diǎn):碟管式反滲透 出處:《中國給水排水》2017年15期

【摘要】:采用碟管式反滲透(DTRO)系統(tǒng)處理西南地區(qū)某生活垃圾填埋場滲濾液,在10個(gè)月的運(yùn)行期間內(nèi),對膜系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行壓力、水溫、滲濾液電導(dǎo)率、脫鹽率等指標(biāo)之間的相互影響進(jìn)行機(jī)理分析并提出了優(yōu)化方法。試驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行期間各項(xiàng)污染物控制指標(biāo)均達(dá)標(biāo)。填埋場垃圾滲濾液電導(dǎo)率呈上升趨勢,由16.14 m S/cm上升至31.63 m S/cm,一級DTRO運(yùn)行壓力由35.33×10~5Pa上升至53.70×10~5Pa。系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行效率與溫度有關(guān),滲濾液溫度低于14℃時(shí),運(yùn)行壓力進(jìn)入峰值區(qū),壓力最高值超出正常趨勢約25%。在壓力峰值區(qū)間,一級DTRO脫鹽率達(dá)到最高值,為97.73%。低溫天氣時(shí)可利用填埋場廢氣熱值以及太陽能、地?zé)崮芗訜釢B濾液,以改善系統(tǒng)運(yùn)行性能。
[Abstract]:The leachate of a municipal solid waste landfill in southwest China was treated with a dish tube type reverse osmosis (DTRON) system. During the operation period of 10 months, the membrane system was operated under pressure, water temperature and leachate conductivity.The mechanism of the interaction between desalinization rate and other indexes was analyzed and the optimization method was put forward.The test results show that all pollutant control indexes are up to standard during the operation of the system.The electrical conductivity of landfill leachate increased from 16.14 m S/cm to 31.63 Ms / cm, and the first stage DTRO operating pressure increased from 35.33 脳 10~5Pa to 53.70 脳 10 ~ (5) Pa.The operating efficiency of the system is related to the temperature. When the leachate temperature is below 14 鈩,




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