

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-05 22:28

  本文選題:污水處理 切入點:公私合作 出處:《浙江社會科學》2017年05期

[Abstract]:The international experience in the reform of sewage treatment public-private partnership is based on the British privatization model, the American market financing model and the French concession model.The choice of property right, financing, operation, competition, price and other modes of sewage treatment industry is different from the early exploration of public-private cooperation, which has a deep impact on the progress and effect of the reform of public-private partnership in sewage treatment in China. It must be systematically designed and promoted as a whole.Specifically, the mode of property right is changed from liberalizing property right to transferring management right; the mode of financing is changed from indirect financing to direct financing; the mode of operation is changed from the separation of the factory and the network to the integration of the power plant and the network; the mode of competition changes from the decentralized competition to the monopoly competition;The price model changes from the user to the government to pay for the service.In order to protect the public interest, in the course of the reform of public-private partnership in sewage treatment, it is necessary to establish and perfect the supervision institution of public-private partnership, strengthen the supervision of the process, standardize the public-private partnership agreement and strengthen the contract management at the same time.
【作者單位】: 浙江財經(jīng)大學中國政府管制研究院;


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