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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-29 14:29
【摘要】:明王朝是在元末農(nóng)民起義基礎(chǔ)上,由農(nóng)民出身而深受封建地主階級思想影響的朱元璋創(chuàng)建的一個延承封建宗法社會關(guān)系和君主專制政治統(tǒng)治的封建王朝。經(jīng)過明前期諸帝調(diào)整生產(chǎn)關(guān)系,緩和社會矛盾,恢復(fù)和發(fā)展經(jīng)濟(jì),以及強(qiáng)化君主專制,確立程朱理學(xué)在意識形態(tài)中的主導(dǎo)地位等等政策和措施的實(shí)行,不僅重建和穩(wěn)定了封建社會的基本秩序,并且大大推進(jìn)了封建社會在各個方面的深入發(fā)展,形成明前期的盛世局面。然而,自明英宗正統(tǒng)時期開始直到正德年間,封建社會固有的各種矛盾日益激化。豪強(qiáng)地主強(qiáng)占土地,農(nóng)民流離失所,起義頻起。統(tǒng)治階級內(nèi)部爭權(quán)奪利的斗爭也日趨激烈。尤其是皇權(quán)控制下,以司禮監(jiān)與內(nèi)閣為代表的內(nèi)廷宦官勢力與外朝文官集團(tuán)之間權(quán)力地位的爭奪與轉(zhuǎn)換,直接影響著朝政的治亂興衰,從而形成這一時期明王朝動蕩紛亂的政治局面。期間雖曾有過被后人譽(yù)為“弘治中興”的短暫穩(wěn)定,卻最終難以挽阻封建統(tǒng)治危機(jī)不斷深化的趨勢。 明代名臣劉健就生活在這個由前期盛世向后期衰敗轉(zhuǎn)變過程中的,被稱為“動蕩衰微”的明代前中期。 宣德八年(公元1433),劉健出生于河南府洛陽縣西南部一個普通的地主家庭。當(dāng)時的洛陽劉氏家族和當(dāng)?shù)仄渌S多家族一樣在長期農(nóng)耕經(jīng)濟(jì)方式和儒家倫理思想文化影響下,形成了勤儉樸質(zhì)、直道行事,恭行孝義、和睦鄉(xiāng)鄰,重視讀書求學(xué)、尊崇正統(tǒng)儒教的風(fēng)尚。這種氛圍對劉健個性的形成產(chǎn)生著深刻的影響。和當(dāng)時許多士子一樣,劉健自幼便在洛陽那種充滿理學(xué)風(fēng)尚的文化氛圍里,在學(xué)術(shù)與科舉相結(jié)合的求學(xué)過程中接受了儒家那種人格精神和思想意識的培養(yǎng)。在劉健早期的社會交往中,如閻禹錫、白良輔那樣的洛中理學(xué)名士,或如畢享、許進(jìn)那樣以理學(xué)為學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容的科舉士子,甚至如趙錫、李祥那樣在日常生活中體現(xiàn)儒家禮教風(fēng)范的人物,都曾對劉健個性成長產(chǎn)生了深刻的影響,更強(qiáng)化了他以理學(xué)為宗、注重踐履的政治意識和思想品格。 明英宗天順?biāo)哪?公元1460),劉健中進(jìn)士,改庶吉士,入翰林。自此開始了其長達(dá)46年的仕政歷程。在第一階段16年的翰林生涯中,劉健只是作為一名普通的史官,主要從事編撰典籍、侍從講讀、主考鄉(xiāng)試,以及其它書記類事務(wù)。成化十二年(公元1476),他升右諭德,次年轉(zhuǎn)左庶子,9年后升任少詹事。這期間雖然仍從事修書、講讀,主考等“不關(guān)政本”的事務(wù),但作為東宮屬官,卻使他得以與皇太子朱yP樘,即未來的明孝宗之間建立了非同一般的關(guān)系,這為他后來在孝宗時期政治上施展抱負(fù)奠定了基礎(chǔ)。成化二十三年(1487)十一月,孝宗即位不久即擢劉健為禮部右侍郎兼翰林學(xué)士,入內(nèi)閣參預(yù)機(jī)務(wù),從此終孝宗之世。劉健在內(nèi)閣以其獨(dú)有的嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)認(rèn)真、果敢善斷、不偏不倚的為政風(fēng)格,發(fā)揮著勸諫啟沃、輔養(yǎng)君德,論思建言、贊畫政務(wù)的作用。在輔成“弘治中興”中寫下其政治生涯中濃墨重彩的一頁。 孝宗駕崩后,劉健以顧命元臣的身份,與同官李東陽、謝遷等在武宗初政時期,以新皇即位詔書為綱領(lǐng),實(shí)行了一系列寬恤民力、安撫流民、清查皇莊、抑制兼并、裁汰冗濫、節(jié)省開支,以及其它清理弊政的政策與措施,從而使朝政一度呈現(xiàn)“新政”氣象。但由于武宗寵信內(nèi)侍宦官,日事游逸娛樂,不僅使“新政”舉步惟艱,且使劉健等人的地位岌岌可危,其職權(quán)作用的發(fā)揮受到嚴(yán)重影響和限制。在率領(lǐng)文官集團(tuán)反對宦官勢力失敗的情形下,劉健被迫致仕,結(jié)束了他的仕政歷程。但在宦官擅權(quán)亂政的形勢下,他仍被榜為“奸黨”之首,削爵奪敕。直到明世宗即位后,才完全恢復(fù)他原有的政治地位和待遇。 劉健歷事明英宗、憲宗、孝宗、武宗、世宗五朝。他與孝宗間長期的師生之誼、致政意識的一致性,以及個性的互補(bǔ)等因素,形成君臣間較為融洽和諧的關(guān)系。這奠定了輔成“弘治中興”的重要基礎(chǔ)和條件。但他謹(jǐn)守儒學(xué)傳統(tǒng),執(zhí)著于致政追求的風(fēng)格卻與自幼好逸樂,無視禮教規(guī)范和傳統(tǒng)君德的武宗之間極易產(chǎn)生矛盾與沖突。正是這種矛盾和沖突最終導(dǎo)致了劉健等文官集團(tuán)與宦官勢力斗爭中的失敗,并由此宣告了劉健政治生涯的結(jié)束。 劉健與其他朝臣間的關(guān)系在不同時期因其政治地位和交往方式的不同而有所差別,但無論是在天順、成化年間受朝中重臣如李賢、彭時等人的器重,或是在弘治、正德年間與徐溥、李東陽、謝遷等閣臣的融洽,抑或是與王恕、馬文升、劉大夏、韓文、白昂、閔硅、.戴珊等部院諸卿之間的協(xié)調(diào),以及在后期為政中受到許多后輩官員政治上的支持等等,都在相當(dāng)程度上有賴于其致政意識中的共性基礎(chǔ)。當(dāng)然,因年資、經(jīng)歷的差別,以及同年、鄉(xiāng)故的特殊關(guān)系,劉健也確與某些朝臣之間具有親疏不同的私人關(guān)系,如與張?jiān)潯⑵铐、鄭紀(jì)間的知交,與丘浚、程敏政、吳寬、李夢陽、何景明等人間的某種隔閡,與焦芳之間的仇隙等等。這些在實(shí)際上都對劉健的政治活動產(chǎn)生或多或少,或深或淺的影響。但總的來看,劉健謹(jǐn)守規(guī)矩的風(fēng)格限制了他在朝廷人事方面過多施加個人的影響。而他疏于識人之偏向,也并未造成對朝政事務(wù)較大的影響。 劉健存世的著述并不豐富,但從中仍可看出其“以道事君”、追求致政的政治意識,以及崇儒興學(xué)、注重實(shí)政實(shí)務(wù),摒棄佛道異教的思想傾向。這種思想意識與他在文作上崇義理、信禮教,重實(shí)務(wù),輕虛飾的風(fēng)尚是相通相應(yīng)的。劉健著述的體裁以奏疏及實(shí)政碑記類為主,也時常有詩文之作。而這些詩文作品大都與其政務(wù)活動相關(guān),單純應(yīng)酬性、消閑性詩文在劉健著述中極為少見。劉健的著述在語言風(fēng)格上所表現(xiàn)的剛正氣勢,也與他端謹(jǐn)嚴(yán)正的個性與為政風(fēng)格是一致的。 明清時期官方和民間對劉健的認(rèn)識,雖因朝代不同或官、私立場角度差別而在一些具體評述中呈現(xiàn)不同特色和風(fēng)格,但就其政治功績、人品、個性,及為人處事作風(fēng)、識見、文才等多方面,大多給予了正面肯定和贊揚(yáng)。但是,隨著近代以來社會變革和人們政治觀念的深刻變化,劉健作為歷史名臣的形象逐漸隱沒于人們的視野之外,只剩下民間傳說中還演繹著以前的片斷史跡。至于當(dāng)代,在“大眾史學(xué)”與戲說歷史以及史學(xué)領(lǐng)域,對劉健的關(guān)注正日益增加,并由此引發(fā)著對其進(jìn)行全面的認(rèn)識和研究。 通過對劉健個性、思想意識、政治作為及其影響的多角度、多層次考察與分析可以得出結(jié)論:劉健的確無愧于封建社會一代名臣的政治形象。他“以道事君,不可則止”的氣節(jié)、執(zhí)著于儒家政治理想的追求、以及踐履封建禮教的道德品格和風(fēng)尚,至今也有令人敬佩之處。然而,正因?yàn)樗兄寮揖家庾R又自覺地接受封建專制主義政治的制約和規(guī)范,從而注定了他的政治理想不僅不能最終實(shí)現(xiàn),甚至連他個人的命運(yùn)也受到嚴(yán)重的影響和制約。他政治生涯興敗起落的巨大反差,正是封建君主專制政治背景下政治人物命運(yùn)的典型寫照?梢,人的個性的全面解放必有賴于社會的全面進(jìn)步,尤其是社會政治的不斷進(jìn)步。這便是研究劉健對當(dāng)今社會政治建設(shè)的一種啟示。
[Abstract]:On the basis of the peasant uprising in the late Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty was created by Zhu Yuanzhang, which was created by the peasants' birth and influenced by the feudal landlord class thought. The feudal dynasty extended the feudal patriarchal social relations and the monarchy ruled by the monarchy. After the early Ming Dynasty, the various emperors adjusted the relations of production, alleviated social contradictions, restored and developed the economy, and strengthened the monarchy. The implementation of the policy and measures, such as the establishment of the dominant position of Cheng Zhu in ideology, not only rebuilt and stabilized the basic order of the feudal society, but also greatly promoted the deep development of feudal society in all aspects and formed the prosperous situation in the early Ming Dynasty. However, since the period of Ming Yingzong orthodoxy, the feudal society was in the middle of the feudal society. The inherent contradictions are becoming more and more intense. The strong landlords occupy the land, the peasants are displaced and the uprising is frequent. The struggle for power and power in the ruling class is increasingly fierce. Especially under the control of the imperial power, the contention and transformation of the power status between the imperial eunuch force and the external civil service group, represented by the imperial supervision and the cabinet, has a direct influence on the power position. The political turmoil and rise and fall of the dynasty formed the political situation of the turmoil and chaos of the Ming Dynasty. Although there had been a brief stability called "Hongzhi Zhongxing" in the future, it was difficult to save the trend of the deepening of the crisis of feudal rule.
Liu Jian, a famous minister in Ming Dynasty, lived in the middle and early period of Ming Dynasty, which was called "turbulence and decline" in the process of transformation from early prosperity to later decline.
During the eight years of Xuan de (1433 AD), Liu Jian was born in a common landlord family in the southwestern part of Luoyang County, Henan. At that time, the Liu family of Luoyang, like many other local families, formed a simple, honest, simple and simple way of doing things in the long farming economy and Confucian ethical and ideological culture. The atmosphere of orthodox Confucianism has a profound influence on the formation of Liu Jian's personality. Like many scholars at that time, Liu Jian had been in the cultural atmosphere of Luoyang, which was full of Neo Confucianism, and accepted the cultivation of the Confucian personality and ideological consciousness in the course of learning and the imperial examination. In Liu Jianzao In the period of social interaction, such as Yan Yuxi and Shira Suke, such as Luo Zhong scholar of Neo Confucianism, or such as Bi enjoy, Xu Jin, and even Zhao Xi and Li Xiang, which embodied the style of Confucian etiquette in his daily life, had a profound influence on the length of Liu Jian's personality, and strengthened his theory as a sect. We should pay attention to the political consciousness and ideological character of the practice.
Ming Yingzong was four years (AD 1460), Liu Jianzhong entered scholar, changed the concubine and entered Hanlin. Since then, he began his 46 year career in political affairs. During the first 16 years of his career, Liu Jian was only a common historian, mainly engaged in compilation of books, attendants, local examinations, and other secretaries. Twelve years (AD 1). 476) he ascended to the right Oracle and turned left concubine in the following year, and was promoted to less Zhan after 9 years. Although he still engaged in the work of repairing books, reading, and examiners, he was able to establish a different relationship with the Emperor Zhu yP, that is, the future of the Ming Dynasty. Aspiration laid the foundation. In twenty-three years (1487) in November, Xiao Zong was soon promoted to Liu Jian as the right service of the ritual department and the Bachelor of Hanlin. He entered the cabinet to participate in the service of the machine, and from then on. Liu Jian was in the cabinet with its unique conscientious and conscientious, resolute and unbiased political style. Draw the role of government. In the auxiliary "Hongzhi ZTE", write a page in his political career.
After the disintegration of Xiao Zong, Liu Jian, with the identity of Yuan Chen, and the official Li Dongyang and Xie moved in the early political period of Wu Zong, took the new emperor's imperial edict as the programme, and carried out a series of broad shirts, appeasing the people, checking the Royal Zhuang, restraining the merger, reducing the redundancy, saving the expenses, and its policies and measures to clean up the maladministration, thus making the government at one time " The new deal "weather", but because of Wu Zong's favour of eunuchs, the daily business entertainment, not only makes the "New Deal" difficult, and makes the position of Liu Jian and others in jeopardy, the role of his function is seriously affected and restricted. Under the situation of leading the civil service group against the failure of eunuchs, Liu Jian was forced to be an official and ended his political process. But in the situation of unauthorized political affairs of the eunuchs, he was still listed as the first of the "rape" and chipping the Duke to seize the imperial edict.
In Liu Jian, Ming Yingzong, Zong Zong, Xiao Zong, Wu Zong and Shi Zong Five Dynasties. He formed a harmonious and harmonious relationship with the long-term friendship between teachers and students, the consistency of political consciousness and the complementarity of personality. This laid the important foundation and conditions of the "Hongzhi Zhongxing". But he kept the Confucian tradition and insisted on the pursuit of political pursuit. However, the contradiction and conflict between the norms of the etiquette and the traditional Emperor Wu Zong, which eventually led to the failure of the civil service group such as Liu Jian and the eunuchs, and thus declared the end of Liu Jian's political career.
The relationship between Liu Jian and other courtiers differs in different periods because of its different political status and mode of communication. However, whether it is in the days of Shun, the heavy officials of the dynasty, such as Li Xian, Peng Shi and others, or in Hongzhi, Xu Pu, Li Dongyang, Xie Qian and other courtiers, or with Wang Shu, Ma Wensheng, Liu Daxia, The coordination between Han Wen, Bai ang, min Si, and Dai Shan, as well as the political support of many later generations of officials in the administration, and so on, depend to a considerable extent on the common basis of their political consciousness. Of course, Liu Jian is also with some of the courtiers for the difference in the year, the difference of experience, and the special relationship between the same year and the hometown. Private relations, such as Zhang Yuanzhen, Qun Shun, Zheng Jijian, and Qiu dredge, Cheng Minzheng, Wu Kuan, Li Mengyang, He Jingming and other human beings, such as a gap between the world, and the enemy, and so on. These are in fact the political activities of Liu Jian, or more or less, or deep or shallow influence. But generally speaking, Liu Jian keeps the rules. His style limits his personal influence on the personnel of the court, and his ignorance of people's bias does not cause much impact on the affairs of the state.
The writings of Liu Jian's existence are not abundant, but it can still be seen from it that he is "the king of Tao", the political consciousness of pursuing political affairs, the worship of Confucianism, the practice of political affairs, and the abandoning of the ideological tendency of the Buddhism and Taoism. This ideology is related to his worship in the literary works, the faith in the courtesy, the truth of the truth and the light of the decency. Most of these works are related to the activities of political affairs, and most of these works are related to the activities of government affairs. The simple entertainment and leisure poetry are extremely rare in Liu Jian's writings. Liu Jian's writings in the language style are consistent with his solemn personality and political style.
In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the official and folk knowledge of Liu Jian showed different features and styles in some specific comments because of different dynasties or officials and private field angles. However, most of their political achievements, personality, personality, style of work, literacy, and literary talent were positive affirmation and praise. However, with the modern society, with the modern society The change and the profound change of people's political ideas, Liu Jian's image as a famous historical minister has gradually disappeared from people's vision, only the folklore is still deducted from the previous fragments of history. As for the contemporary, the attention to Liu Jian is increasing in the field of "mass history" and the history of drama and history, and it has caused it to it. Carry out a comprehensive understanding and research.
By analyzing and analyzing Liu Jian's personality, ideological consciousness and politics as well as his influence, we can draw a conclusion that Liu Jian does not deserve to be worthy of the political image of a famous feudal official in feudal society. He is the pursuit of the Confucian political ideal and the moral character of feudal ethics. However, because of his acceptance of the constraints and norms of the feudal autocratic politics, he was doomed to his political ideal not only to be finally realized, but even his personal fate was severely influenced and restrained. His political career was defeated and fallen. The huge contrast is the typical portrayal of the fate of the political figures under the autocratic political background of the feudal monarchy. It is clear that the all-round liberation of human personality depends on the overall progress of the society, especially the continuous progress of social politics. This is a revelation to the study of Liu Jian's social and political construction today.


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