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發(fā)布時間:2020-05-10 17:24
【摘要】:Mali a country in West Africa was among the few countries to attained independence from France in 1960.During post-independence era,the group of countries making up West Africa experiences various conflicts.Mali was once regarded a peaceful place in West Africa has endured what was initially thought to be a tribal insurrection against the central government for share of development priorities.Today this conflict in Northern Mali has taken an unprecedented proportion taken a heavy blow on the central government as well as the International community.The most interesting part of this conflict is that various mediation effort since 2002 to date has not yielded the needed peace in the under developed Northern part of the country.At the heart of the unresolved conflict are religion,territorial claim,and self-governance.My personal believe is that all conflict can be resolved if the parties involved adhere to the peace agreement and process and that where ever there's conflict,mediation effort should be allowed to work to normalized the situation but this has not been the case.The aim of this research is to highlights conflict and mediation in West Africa using the Northern Mali as a case study.This study will also look into the root cause of conflicts in Northern Mali,and highlight some of the reasons for the failure of mediation efforts in Northern Mali.This research will also try to establish the roles from both domestic and international players in a bid to find lasting solution to this conflict.


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