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發(fā)布時間:2019-03-22 13:57
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the technology of intelligent mobile terminal device and flat screen display device is developing rapidly, and people pay more and more attention to the life-span ability of intelligent mobile terminal device. Mobile power supply and other life-cycle devices have become an important part of intelligent mobile terminal devices. In these smart devices, the screen display system consumes most of the energy. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the power consumption of display images such as flat screen. The purpose of this paper is to study the current mainstream TFT-LCD and OLED image display to reduce the power consumption scheme and implementation. In this paper, the display principle and power model of TFT-LCD are analyzed firstly. The power consumption model of TFT-LCD shows that the decrease of power consumption is mainly due to the decrease of backlight intensity. However, the reduction of backlight intensity will cause the image to become dark, so it is necessary to enhance the image and compensate for the decrease of brightness. In this paper, an algorithm to reduce the power consumption of TFT-LCD display is proposed. Firstly, the local contrast enhancement method is used for image processing. The contrast factor and luminance factor are selected dynamically according to the content of the image. Then the proportional coefficient of backlight adjustment is determined according to the luminance factor, so that the image quality can be guaranteed and the backlight can be effectively reduced and the power consumption can be saved. Through experimental analysis, the proposed low-power TFT-LCD algorithm can reduce the power consumption by about 50.58% while ensuring the quality of image display. As the next generation of display devices that can replace TFT-LCD, OLED technology is becoming more and more mature. With the increasing demand for large-screen display, the power consumption of OLED is also a major problem in the life of intelligent mobile devices. Therefore, it is necessary to study the low power scheme of OLED image display. Because of the essential difference between TFT-LCD and OLED, the low-power method of TFT-LCD can not be used in OLED. Therefore, this paper also proposes a method to reduce the power consumption of OLED display image. By analyzing the display principle and power consumption model of OLED, it is found that the reduction of image pixel value is an effective way to save the power consumption of OLED display. However, the excessive reduction of pixel value will inevitably lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of image display. Therefore, the realization of low power consumption of OLED display must guarantee the display quality of the image. The core of this paper is the brightness adjustment strategy based on image saliency and Weber-Fischer's law. The algorithm defines the significant mean value of the image as a significant threshold, and the brightness adjustment of the salient pixel satisfies Weber's law. For non-salient points, a linear mapping relationship between salient value and pixel luminance value is designed to obtain a new pixel luminance value. Through experimental analysis, the proposed low-power OLED display algorithm can reduce the power consumption by about 10.16% while ensuring the quality of the image display. In general, the power consumption reduction methods proposed in this paper for both TFT-LCD and OLED can reduce the power consumption when they display the image to a certain extent, and also guarantee the display effect and quality of the image.


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