
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 科技論文 > 信息工程論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-03-21 15:34
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the construction and development of the smart power grid, the short-range wireless communication technology has been widely concerned and has become one of the hot spots in the field of electric power communication. The short-range wireless communication technology can realize the access of the power grid terminal "The last few hundred meters", and has great potential for development. The substation environmental monitoring system is an important part of the power grid, which can realize the real-time monitoring of the operating parameters of the substation and the intelligent control of various equipment, and real-time monitoring and operation analysis of the collected monitoring information. The automatic level of the safety operation of the auxiliary equipment of the transformer substation is greatly improved, the accident rate of the equipment and the emergency repair time can be reduced, and the safety, reliability and stable operation of the power grid are of great significance. This paper is based on the existing optical fiber network, industrial Ethernet, field bus and other communication means in the substation environmental monitoring system, and the short-range wireless communication technology can realize the flexible access. The short-distance wireless communication networking technology of the substation environmental monitoring system is mainly studied. on the one hand, because the substation environmental monitoring system only relies on the monitoring node to be difficult to form a communication monitoring network, It is easier to suffer from various attacks and interference with respect to the general network, so as to continuously and reliably operate the network, the anti-destruction performance of the network needs to be improved as much as possible, and the reliability of the network is guaranteed. In this paper, the research on the above problems is carried out, and the solution of the existing short-range wireless communication network in the implementation of the network communication and the improvement of the network's anti-destruction is first analyzed and the inapplicability of the existing solution method in the substation environmental monitoring system is explained. secondly, aiming at the problem of network connectivity, a relay deployment algorithm based on the shortest path is proposed, the algorithm first determines the representative nodes of each partition, and deploys the relay node along the shortest path of each representative node and the central node, And the direction of the relay deployment path is continuously adjusted according to the coincidence of the coverage of different relay nodes. The average node hop count of the algorithm is less, that is, the real-time performance is higher, based on the comparison and analysis of the experimental simulation and the minimum spanning tree algorithm and the Steiner triangulation algorithm. Then, an anti-destruction strategy optimization method based on a small-world network is proposed to improve the network survivability. The strategy combines the topology optimization algorithm with the addition of the super link. And the network anti-destruction performance is improved by the relative weakening of the role of the important nodes in the network. Finally, using the simulation and analysis of the experiment, the superiority of this strategy in the anti-destruction performance is verified.


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