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發(fā)布時間:2019-03-21 13:22
[Abstract]:Fetal electrocardiogram is one of the most effective perinatal fetal monitoring methods. By analyzing the changes of fetal ECG waveform, we can find out the pathological changes of fetus during intrauterine development as early as possible, so as to reduce the rate of injury and mortality of newborn infants. However, the signal-to-noise ratio of fetal ECG signal is low and often interfered by maternal ECG and other strong noises in the mixed ECG signals collected by non-invasive method in pregnant women's abdominal wall. Therefore, how to extract clear fetal ECG signals has always been an important research topic in fetal monitoring. Blind source separation (BSS) is the most promising fetal ECG signal extraction algorithm at present. However, the existing BSS-based FECG extraction algorithms usually use the linear instantaneous mixed model and underutilize the ECG signal feature information. As a result, there are still some problems, such as low accuracy and vague physiological meaning. In this paper, a semi-blind fetal ECG signal extraction algorithm based on convolution model is proposed based on signal characteristics and mixed model. The main contents are as follows: (1) analyze the characteristics of fetal ECG signal and construct the linear convolution mixed model. By analyzing the electrophysiological characteristics of fetal ECG signals, the rationality of using blind deconvolution method to extract fetal ECG signals was verified by using non-minimum phase characteristics. Combining the characteristics of actual ECG signals and the mixed model of blind deconvolution source separation, The linear convolution hybrid model of abdominal ECG signal is constructed and the method of fetal ECG signal extraction based on ECG characteristics is presented. (2) based on the mixed model of cyclostationary and signal convolution, a semi-blind deconvolution source separation algorithm is proposed. Semi-blind deconvolution single-source separation algorithm introduces delay and cyclic frequency parameters into the construction of objective function based on non-Gaussian metric, and achieves the effective separation of single-source signal of maternal fetal ECG by maximizing the objective function of gradient method. In order to improve the accuracy of fetal ECG signal estimation, the least square inverse filtering algorithm is used to improve the time domain subtraction method in traditional BSS. The simulation results show that when the waveform of the mother-fetus overlaps in time domain, The least square inverse filtering algorithm is better than the traditional time domain subtraction method in preserving the integrity of fetal ECG waveform. (3) based on the principle of semi-blind deconvolution source separation algorithm, A complete method of fetal ECG signal extraction was proposed. Combined with semi-blind deconvolution single source separation and maternal ECG cancellation algorithm, a new method of fetal ECG signal extraction is proposed, which includes mixed ECG signal de-noising pre-processing, feature parameter estimation and fetal ECG signal extraction and enhancement. The experimental results were analyzed and the semi-blind deconvolution source separation method was compared with the traditional BSS. The experimental results showed that The fetal ECG signal extracted by the semi-blind deconvolution source separation method is very close to the fetal ECG reference signal collected by the fetal scalp electrode in both fetal heart rate and waveform. And it is better than traditional BSS. in visual waveform and signal to noise ratio.


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