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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-06 12:14
[Abstract]:Non-parallel transmission lines are widely used in power electronic systems. When there are voltage and current signals on them, crosstalk responses will be generated on the surrounding transmission lines. The crosstalk model between multiple non-parallel transmission lines is established by using the time-domain transmission line equation, and the crosstalk voltage response characteristics on the initial and terminal loads of the perturbed conductor under the impulse lumped source excitation are analyzed in combination with the FDTD method. The correctness of the method is verified by comparing the results with the simulation results. The results show that the crosstalk voltage response on the initial and terminal loads increases with the increase of the height of the transmission line from the ground, and decreases with the increase of the angle between the transmission lines. Therefore, it provides a reference for the crosstalk protection between cables.
【作者單位】: 西南交通大學(xué)電磁場(chǎng)與微波技術(shù)研究所;


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