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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-05 17:46
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of high resource consumption redundancy of 100% multilink fault protection in elastic optical networks, this paper proposes a probability protection (MFRL-PP) strategy for minimum fault risk loss. Provides efficient probabilistic protection for services in the event of multiple link failures. In the MFRL-PP strategy, a cost function considering link load and fault risk is designed to select a probabilistic protection optical path for traffic with less fault risk and less spectrum resource consumption. When the minimum fault risk path cannot be transmitted, in order to further reduce the fault risk loss of the optical path of probabilistic protection, this paper also designs a probability protection mechanism of minimum fault risk loss for asymmetric traffic diversion. In order to select the shunt path group with the least fault risk loss as the transmission optical path. At the same time, in the phase of spectrum allocation of transmission optical path, the available spectrum block selection strategy based on the maximum spectrum coincidence degree is proposed to reduce the generation of spectrum fragments. The simulation results show that the proposed strategy not only effectively improves the spectral efficiency, but also achieves a good balance between the bandwidth blocking rate and the fault risk.
【作者單位】: 重慶郵電大學光纖通信技術與網(wǎng)絡重點實驗室;重慶郵電大學自動化學院;
【基金】:國家自然科學基金(61275077) 重慶市教委基金(KJ 1400421) 重慶市科委基礎與前沿研究項目(2015jcyj A40024)~~


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