
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 科技論文 > 信息工程論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-05 13:46
[Abstract]:The network planning simulation in mobile communication is an important basis for operators to evaluate the network planning scheme before the network construction. Its principle is based on geographic information system (GIS), signal transmission model and planning engineering parameters to predict the coverage of the network. Resource allocation and evaluation of network capacity and performance, and optimization of engineering parameters according to the simulation results, the ultimate goal is to make the whole network "coverage", "capacity" and "interference" harmonious unity. At the same time, planning simulation plays a macro-guiding role in network optimization and blind compensation. In this paper, TD-SCDMA programming simulation is taken as an example to illustrate the basic requirements, flow chart and simulation method of planning simulation. Secondly, this paper introduces the method of TD-HSDPA planning simulation. In essence, the scheduling mechanism based on shared channel is the most important feature of TD-HSDPA planning simulation. Then, according to the development and evolution of technology, this paper analyzes and discusses the flow and method of TD-LTE planning simulation. A feasible implementation method is proposed for the scheduling mechanism of Monte Carlo simulation: a user ordering method and a simulation convergence mechanism. These two studies are being implemented step by step in the planning simulation tools of China Mobile. Finally, this paper compares the results of the planning simulation with the actual test results, and discusses the accuracy of the planning simulation. In this paper, we propose a user priority ranking algorithm for planning simulation, and a convergence mechanism method has a certain significance of engineering guidance. In addition, this paper has a strong practical function to improve the accuracy of planning simulation.


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