
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 科技論文 > 信息工程論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-05 13:33
[Abstract]:With the increasing application of wireless communication technology in pneumatic systems, the availability of pneumatic wireless communication systems is becoming more and more important. Due to the strict requirement of real-time data in the communication of pneumatic system, the delay of data transmission must be strictly controlled. And the characteristic of communication in pneumatic system is that the data is small and the uncertainty is strong. It is difficult to satisfy these requirements by the general mature communication protocols. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the self-defined high-speed communication protocols suitable for pneumatic systems. Based on the analysis of common wireless communication systems and the communication requirements of pneumatic systems, this paper designs a high-speed wireless communication system protocol suitable for pneumatic systems, and deeply studies the availability of pneumatic high-speed wireless communication systems. The main contents are as follows: firstly, aiming at the working process of pneumatic system and the requirement of real-time and usability of communication, the data delay, transmission rate and response time of communication are defined and compared. The technical path of high-speed wireless communication in pneumatic system is determined, and a custom high-speed wireless communication protocol based on RF chip nRF24L01 is proposed. By defining the communication delay of the pneumatic system, defining the high-speed wireless communication protocol and simulating the testing method of the multi-node communication conflict in the pneumatic industry, the software development and testing platform of the high-speed wireless communication system is built. In order to meet the communication delay requirements of high-speed wireless communication, the Keil development environment is used to optimize the program of each link, including the SPI data transmission between nRF24L01 and MCU, the variable length data frame of nRF24L01 and so on. The communication between single node and multi node is tested and analyzed. In the single node communication test, the communication success rate and communication delay are recorded by changing the communication distance and the length of the communication data frame. At the same time, the collision suppression strategy is added to the communication protocol, and the collision test of the multi-node network communication is carried out to test the performance of the communication protocol. Finally, by studying the response mode, an efficient networking strategy is designed to effectively avoid the error of system data response, and the two-way communication of wireless communication system is completed, which verifies the feasibility of the scheme. It provides the engineering application reference value for the usability research of the pneumatic wireless communication system.


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