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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-29 20:18
【摘要】:隨著工程建設發(fā)展的需要,起重機越來越向著大型、高聳、輕柔化、格構式方向發(fā)展。由于高強度鋼材的大量采用,提高了結構的強度,卻使格構式壓桿的剛度和穩(wěn)定性問題日益明顯。復雜格構式臂架的穩(wěn)定性分析已成為大型起重機設計計算的難點。由于履帶起重機臂架系統(tǒng)為空間格構式結構,利用傳統(tǒng)的數(shù)學模型和力學方法已經(jīng)很難對其穩(wěn)定性進行準確的校核。因此,必須尋求起重機臂架穩(wěn)定性的合理分析方法,實現(xiàn)準確計算。 針對上述存在的現(xiàn)實問題,本文以某160噸樣機為例,在分析起重機臂架的結構特點的基礎上,建立臂架的力學模型,并用此模型對臂架的強度和壓桿穩(wěn)定性進行分析,強度和穩(wěn)定性的最大應力分別432.24MPa和509.7MPa,都小于許用應力510.4MPa,滿足強度和壓桿穩(wěn)定性要求,為有限元軟件分析提供了參考依據(jù)。其次在有限元軟件ANSYS中建立了臂架的有限元模型,并對其進行了靜態(tài)分析,最大應力是430.291MPa,繼而進行特征值屈曲分析,以特征值屈曲模態(tài)形狀作為非線性屈曲分析的初始缺陷,對臂架進行非線性屈曲分析,最大應力是503,828MPa,滿足壓桿的強度和穩(wěn)定性要求。 將有限元計算結果與起重機設計規(guī)范中的公式計算結果進行比較,誤差都在2%以下,驗證了有限元分析結果的正確性;并分析臂架偏擺力,回轉慣性力和風載荷因素對臂架非線性穩(wěn)定性的影響,由于臂架偏擺力所產(chǎn)生的應力占總應力的32%所以偏擺力是導致臂架失穩(wěn)的主要因素,在不影響起重機效率的前提下,適當減小回轉時的速度和加速度可以提高起重機變截面臂架的穩(wěn)定性。
[Abstract]:With the development of engineering construction, cranes are more and more large, towering, gentle and lattice. Because of the large use of high strength steel, the strength of the structure is improved, but the stiffness and stability of the lattice compression bar become more and more obvious. The stability analysis of complex lattice boom has become a difficult point in the design and calculation of large crane. Because the boom system of crawler crane is a spatial lattice structure, it is difficult to accurately check the stability of crawler crane by using traditional mathematical model and mechanical method. Therefore, it is necessary to seek a reasonable analysis method for the stability of crane jib to realize accurate calculation. Aiming at the practical problems mentioned above, a 160-ton prototype is taken as an example. Based on the analysis of the structural characteristics of the boom, the mechanical model of the boom is established, and the strength of the boom and the stability of the compression rod are analyzed by the model. The maximum stress of strength and stability is less than that of allowable stress of 510.4 MPa, respectively, 432.24MPa and 509.7 MPa, which meet the requirements of strength and stability of compression bar, and provide a reference for finite element software analysis. Secondly, the finite element model of the boom is established in the finite element software ANSYS, and the maximum stress is 430.291MPa. The eigenvalue buckling analysis is carried out, and the eigenvalue buckling modal shape is used as the initial defect of the nonlinear buckling analysis. The nonlinear buckling analysis of the boom shows that the maximum stress is 503828MPa, which meets the requirements of strength and stability of the compression bar. The results of finite element analysis are compared with those of the formula of crane design code, and the error is less than 2%, which verifies the correctness of finite element analysis, and analyzes the deflection force of boom. The influence of rotary inertia force and wind load factors on the nonlinear stability of the boom. Because the stress produced by the swinging force of the arm frame accounts for 32% of the total stress, the deflection force is the main factor leading to the instability of the boom, without affecting the crane efficiency. The stability of the crane with variable cross section can be improved by decreasing the speed and acceleration of the rotating crane.


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