

發(fā)布時間:2017-12-28 14:36

  本文關鍵詞:盤錦市機動車污染現(xiàn)狀評價、預測及防治對策研究 出處:《大連理工大學》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 機動車污染 評價 預測及防治對策

[Abstract]:Motor vehicles have been integrated into the lives of citizens, but the increasing number of motor vehicles has brought a series of problems, such as energy shortage, urban congestion, travel difficulties and frequent traffic accidents. The tail gas has caused great damage to the urban air environment, which affects the health of the citizens and restricts the healthy development of the city. This paper takes Panjin city as an example, studies the vehicle volume growth trend, through calculation and emission characteristics of 2012 Panjin motor vehicle pollutants analysis, elaborated the Panjin motor vehicle pollution control policy and measures, and puts forward some suggestions on the main problems existing in China's motor vehicle exhaust pollution control. There are harmful components such as carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), solid suspended particles (PM) and lead compounds in motor vehicle exhaust. The main physical and chemical properties, the damage mechanism and the harm to the human body are explained in this paper. At the same time, we give examples of vehicle exhaust pollution at home and abroad, and analyze the situation of vehicle exhaust emissions in China, and point out the current situation of vehicle emission and the trend of vehicle emission in China. Based on the analysis of the ambient air quality in Panjin, the status of motor vehicles and the trend of economic development in recent years, the prediction of the growth trend of motor vehicle ownership is obtained. According to the "City motor vehicle air pollutant emissions calculation method", the motor vehicle emissions in 2012 in Panjin city as an example, through the determination of emission factors and emission coefficient, vehicle structure, the average annual mileage, the annual emission coefficient and emission standard number of vehicles, accounting for the total emissions of pollutants in Panjin city in 2012 to find out the characteristics and laws of motor vehicle emissions, and put forward the key of the motor vehicle emission reduction. The current policy of prevention and control of motor vehicle pollution in Panjin, the standard method adopted and the current status of vehicle exhaust detection line are described. The main problems and suggestions for the control of motor vehicle exhaust pollution are put forward. The main problems are: the lagging of existing vehicle exhaust pollution management laws and regulations, the existing management system of the new production from the source control of vehicle exhaust pollution useless, motor vehicle exhaust pollution control coordination mechanism is not perfect, the amount of vehicle speed increase the motor vehicle emission reduction under huge pressure, motor vehicle maintenance management industry can not meet the demand. The lack of effective supervision of motor oil industry, regulatory capacity building lag. Countermeasures and suggestions: strengthen the construction of motor vehicle exhaust pollution prevention and control regulations, change the existing system to strengthen the new type approval and production consistency check, construction of universal exhaust BASM detection line, improve vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) system, the implementation of motor vehicles in use of environmental management, the phasing out high emission vehicles and yellow car, support, maintenance maintenance enterprise governance chaos, to strengthen supervision and improve the quality of fuel oil, strengthen motor vehicle pollution control and supervision ability construction, development and utilization of new cars of various fuel etc..


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