

發(fā)布時間:2017-12-28 14:27

  本文關鍵詞:氯化鎂調(diào)質(zhì)煙氣促進汞催化氧化的試驗與機理研究 出處:《山東大學》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: SCR催化劑 氯化鎂 氧化 活性氯

[Abstract]:Mercury is a global pollution element, which is highly toxic, highly volatile and bioenriched. Mercury emission from coal burning is considered to be the main source of mercury pollution in the atmosphere, and the pollution problem caused by the environment has attracted more and more attention from all over the world. Mercury in flue gas mainly has 3 forms: elemental mercury (Hg0), oxidized mercury (Hg2+) and particulate mercury (Hgp), Hg2+ soluble in water, most can be removed by wet desulfurization equipment, Hgp can easily be captured by the elemental mercury removal equipment, because of its great chemical stability and the poor water solubility and not easy to be the removal of existing pollutant control equipment. Using SCR catalyst to catalyze the oxidation of mercury, combined with the combined mercury removal from wet desulphurization equipment and low cost of operation, is suitable for the transformation of existing power plants. It is an economically viable and competitive way of mercury pollution control in coal-fired power plants. The key of combined dehhl removal by conventional pollutant control equipment is to improve the oxidation efficiency of SCR catalyst for Hg. Because the oxidation efficiency of SCR catalyst to elemental mercury is restricted by chlorine content in flue gas, the content of chlorine in coal is high, the content of HCl in flue gas is higher, and the oxidation efficiency of SCR catalyst to Hg is higher. Therefore, for SCR of low chlorine coal, the oxidation of Hg is limited. Rich in magnesium chloride desulfurization wastewater, magnesium chloride can be decomposed to produce hydrogen chloride at high temperature (HCl) gas, this paper put forward the main components of magnesium chloride injection in SCR desulfurization wastewater in flue pre denitrification device, promote the decomposition of magnesium chloride by high temperature flue gas, hydrogen chloride is produced, so as to promote the oxidation of elemental mercury catalyst SCR the. First, the oxidation performance of commercial vanadium and titanium based SCR catalyst for the oxidation of Hg was studied, and the mechanism of SCR catalyst for the oxidation of Hg was discussed. The test results show that HCl can significantly improve the oxidation effect of SCR catalyst on elemental mercury, mercury oxidation efficiency increases with the increase of temperature at 350 DEG C, the oxidation efficiency can reach about 80%, with increasing of temperature, the oxidation efficiency changed little, visible catalyst on the temperature window for mercury removal and denitrification are consistent. O2 can significantly improve the adsorption ability of SCR catalyst for the mercury, HCl and Hg0 can be adsorbed on the catalyst surface, but the adsorption of HCl on the weak adsorption of elemental mercury, the reaction mechanism of Hg0 catalytic oxidation of SCR catalyst is the main mechanism of Eley-Rideal, Hg and HCl reaction gas adsorption state phase HCl or weak adsorption state, realize the oxidation of mercury. Secondly, the influence of commercial SCR catalyst added with magnesium chloride on the transformation of elemental mercury was studied on a fixed bed test bench. The effects of magnesium chloride addition, temperature and atmosphere on mercury transformation were investigated. The results show that the decomposition of magnesium chloride at high temperature produces HCl and active chlorine, which can promote the homogeneous phase oxidation of the elemental mercury. The SCR catalyst with magnesium chloride quenched and tempered can significantly improve the oxidation efficiency of elemental mercury. At 350, the oxidation efficiency of mercury increased from 22.3% to 83.4% when the amount of magnesium chloride increased from 0wt% to 1wt%. The increase of temperature is beneficial to the conversion of the elemental mercury to the oxidized mercury, which reaches the peak at 350, which is the best temperature for the catalytic oxidation of mercury. O2 and NO can promote the oxidation of elemental mercury after adding magnesium chloride, and SO2 and H2O inhibit the oxidation of elemental mercury. The addition of magnesium chloride has no obvious effect on the denitration efficiency of the catalysts. The mechanism test shows that magnesium chloride is decomposed to produce HCl and active chlorine, and the high efficient oxidation of mercury can be achieved under the action of the catalyst. Finally, quantum chemical density functional theory is an accurate method to calculate crystal structure and surface reaction mechanism. In this paper, the theory of density functional theory combined with periodic slab model is used to study the active chlorine produced by magnesium chloride to promote the mechanism of SCR catalyst to oxidize elemental mercury. The simulation results show that Cl is chemisorbed on the surface of V2O5 (001), and Cl has strong bonding effect with O on the surface of V2O5, which plays a modified role in V2O5 and increases the active site on the catalyst surface. Hg0 can stably generate HgCl on the V2O5 (001) surface after Cl adsorption. A part of HgCl adsorbed on the surface of the catalyst. A part of HgCl is adsorbed on the catalyst surface. The two conditions are beneficial to the oxidation of elemental mercury.


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