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發(fā)布時間:2019-05-23 15:39
[Abstract]:Cold ytterbium atomic optical clock is a hot spot in the field of international atomic frequency standard research in recent years. Ytterbium atom needs to be cooled by 399nm magneto-optical trap first-class laser and 556nm magneto-optical trap secondary laser cooling and loaded into optical lattice to detect its clock transition spectrum line. In order to obtain the clock transition spectrum of cold ytterbium atom with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), it is necessary to use the normalization detection method, even if the long-lived 3p0 state atom is pumped back to the ground state by 649nm770nm pumping light. Pumping light is an important part of clock transition signal detection. In order to obtain stable and efficient pumping efficiency, the stability of 649nm770nm laser frequency is very important. Optical frequency comb provides high resolution and high precision frequency standard. Especially, optical fiber comb has a series of advantages, such as small volume, high integration, easy maintenance, self-mode locking, low operation cost and so on. The 649nm770nm continuous laser can be locked on the optical comb at the same time to achieve the effect of frequency stabilization. In this paper, the mode-locking principle of laser and different mode-locking techniques are explored. 1550nm erbium-doped fiber lasers working in different dispersion regions are successfully built by using nonlinear polarization rotating (NPR) mode-locking technology. By controlling the polarization state in the cavity, we obtain a multi-wavelength laser working near zero dispersion by using the birefringent filtering effect. There are 50 multi-wavelength sequences with 0.8nm wavelength interval in the 3dB bandwidth. Under the condition of respiratory pulse mode-locking, a stable self-mode-locked ultra-short pulse laser is obtained, and the repetition frequency of 64.399MHz is stabilized in the range of crystal oscillator drift by electronic circuit feedback system. By using chirped pulse amplification technique and bidirectional pumping method, the seed pulse light of 3.4mW is amplified to about 210mW, and the pulse width is compressed from the widened 1.94ps to below 200fs, and the amplified pulse spectrum is widened. Based on the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation, we use the distributed Fourier integral method to study the effects of different types of HNLF on the broadening of supercontinuum spectrum, which provides an experimental basis for the subsequent acquisition and locking of zero frequency of light comb. It also lays a foundation for locking the 649nm and 770nm pumping light frequencies on the erbium-doped fiber comb at the same time.


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