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發(fā)布時間:2019-05-23 14:34
【摘要】:作為電動汽車驅動、新能源發(fā)電、智能電網(wǎng)、軌道交通等領域中電能轉換的關鍵單元,IGBT功率模塊逐步成為全球發(fā)展“綠色經濟”的重要支點,其安全可靠性為解決能源短缺和降低碳排放量提供重要保證。焊料層是構成IGBT模塊內部電氣連接、機械支撐以及散熱通道的重要部分,其可靠連接保證了功率模塊功能的正常實現(xiàn)。面對各種復雜、嚴苛的工作環(huán)境,焊料層的熱疲勞損傷是模塊失效的主要模式之一,因此,充分了解焊料層疲勞失效機理、探究焊料層損傷在IGBT模塊中產生的影響,對提高IGBT模塊的可靠性有重要意義。盡管目前已經有很多學者對封裝模塊焊料層的疲勞失效機理進行了研究,但主要側重于從表面檢測或外部電參量來分析焊料層的失效狀態(tài),缺乏從物理機制方面來深入探究焊料層失效機理。此外,大多數(shù)研究忽略了焊料層累積損傷對IGBT模塊疲勞失效的影響,造成目前IGBT模塊的在線監(jiān)測、壽命評估方法存在一定的誤差;诖,本文以SKM50GB12T4型號的IGBT模塊為研究對象,通過有限元仿真技術,結合理論分析以及老化實驗,開展了對IGBT模塊焊料層的失效機理分析和疲勞損傷研究。文章考慮了焊料層的損傷累積效應,研究成果為更準確地進行IGBT模塊可靠性評估和狀態(tài)監(jiān)測提供理論基礎和技術支持。本文研究的主要內容包括:(1)針對目前單一的電-熱或熱-力仿真模型無法同時考慮電、熱和機械特性對IGBT模塊疲勞失效的影響,文章建立了考慮焊料層粘塑性效應的電-熱-力多物理場耦合模型,對IGBT模塊的失效機理進行分析。首先,利用MATLAB/Simulink仿真平臺,建立IGBT模塊的等效Foster熱網(wǎng)絡模型,計算芯片在額定電流下產生的功率損耗。其次,基于有限元仿真軟件ANSYS 14.5,建立了IGBT模塊的等比例有限元模型,綜合Foster熱網(wǎng)絡模型結果對IGBT模塊進行電-熱-應力耦合分析。最后,針對焊料層的粘塑性力學行為,對其隨時間發(fā)生的疲勞失效機制進行詳細研究。(2)焊料層疲勞壽命模型以應力應變相關參數(shù)作為輸入值,每次壽命評估前都需要進行耗時的有限元分析,針對這一問題,文章以溫度參量代替應力應變參數(shù),提出一種焊料層疲勞失效評估模型。首先,基于現(xiàn)有疲勞壽命模型選取了能表征焊料層疲勞失效的力學指示參數(shù),分析功率循環(huán)中結溫波動、最小結溫、功率循環(huán)周期對焊料層疲勞指示參數(shù)的影響程度及影響規(guī)律。之后,基于得到的影響規(guī)律和仿真數(shù)據(jù),通過最小二乘法建立了溫度變量與焊料層疲勞指示參數(shù)之間的曲面函數(shù)。(3)裂紋的萌生和擴展是焊料層最主要的失效模式之一,但目前對IGBT模塊及焊料層的壽命預測和失效評估研究往往忽略了裂紋損傷的作用,針對這一問題,文章分析了裂紋損傷模塊的失效機制,并提出計及疲勞累積效應的焊料層失效評估模型。首先,基于裂紋擴展的物理機制,在ANSYS中建立IGBT模塊的裂紋損傷有限元模型,分析功率循環(huán)下?lián)p傷模型內部的熱-應力場特點,詳細探究了裂紋長度對IGBT模塊熱阻的影響規(guī)律。其次,通過對比相同結溫波動載荷在損傷模型和完整模型中產生的老化效果,提出了包含損傷因子的焊料層疲勞失效評估模型。最后,通過加速老化實驗對仿真結果進行了定性的驗證。
[Abstract]:As the key unit of electric energy conversion in the fields of electric vehicle driving, new energy power generation, intelligent power grid, rail transit and the like, the IGBT power module is gradually becoming an important fulcrum of the global development "green economy", and the safety and reliability of the IGBT power module are an important guarantee for solving the energy shortage and reducing the carbon emission amount. The solder layer is an important part of the internal electrical connection, mechanical support and heat dissipation channel of the IGBT module, and the reliable connection of the solder layer ensures the normal realization of the function of the power module. In the face of complex and demanding working environment, the thermal fatigue damage of the solder layer is one of the main modes of the module failure. Therefore, the mechanism of the fatigue failure of the solder layer is fully understood, the influence of the damage of the solder layer on the IGBT module is investigated, and the reliability of the IGBT module is of great significance. Although many scholars have studied the mechanism of the fatigue failure of the solder layer of the package module, the failure state of the solder layer is analyzed mainly from the surface detection or the external electric parameters, and the failure mechanism of the solder layer is deeply explored from the physical mechanism. In addition, most of the studies have neglected the effect of the accumulated damage of the solder layer on the fatigue failure of the IGBT module, resulting in an on-line monitoring of the IGBT module and a certain error in the service life evaluation method. Based on this, the study of the failure mechanism and fatigue damage of the solder layer of the IGBT module is carried out by using the IGBT module of the SKM50GB12T4 model as the research object. The failure mechanism of the solder layer of the IGBT module and the fatigue damage study are carried out by the finite element simulation technology, the combination of the theoretical analysis and the aging experiment. In this paper, the damage accumulation effect of the solder layer is considered, and the research results provide the theoretical basis and technical support for the reliability evaluation and state monitoring of the IGBT module more accurately. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) For the current single electric-thermal or thermal-force simulation model, the effect of electric, thermal and mechanical properties on the fatigue failure of the IGBT module can not be considered at the same time, and the electric-thermal-force multi-physical field coupling model considering the viscoplastic effect of the solder layer is established. The failure mechanism of IGBT module is analyzed. First, using the MATLAB/ Simulink simulation platform, the equivalent Foster thermal network model of the IGBT module is established, and the power loss generated by the chip at the rated current is calculated. Secondly, based on the finite element simulation software ANSYS, the equal-scale finite element model of the IGBT module is established, and the electric-thermal-stress coupling analysis of the IGBT module is carried out by the comprehensive Foster thermal network model. Finally, a detailed study of the fatigue failure mechanism of the solder layer over time is carried out for the viscoplastic mechanical behavior of the solder layer. (2) The fatigue life model of the solder layer takes the stress-strain-related parameter as the input value, and the time-consuming finite element analysis is required before each life evaluation. In view of this problem, the fatigue failure evaluation model of the solder layer is put forward by using the temperature parameter instead of the stress-strain parameter. First, based on the existing fatigue life model, a mechanical indication parameter which can be used to characterize the fatigue failure of the solder layer is selected, and the influence degree and the influence rule of the junction temperature fluctuation, the minimum junction temperature and the power cycle period of the power cycle on the fatigue indication parameters of the solder layer are analyzed. Then, based on the obtained influence law and the simulation data, the surface function between the temperature variable and the fatigue indication parameter of the solder layer is established by the least square method. (3) The initiation and expansion of the crack is one of the most important failure modes of the solder layer, but the current prediction and failure evaluation of the IGBT module and the solder layer often ignore the effect of the crack damage. In the light of this problem, the failure mechanism of the crack damage module is analyzed. And a solder layer failure evaluation model taking into account the fatigue accumulation effect is provided. First, based on the physical mechanism of crack propagation, the finite element model of the crack damage of the IGBT module is established in the ANSYS, the thermal-stress field in the damage model under the power cycle is analyzed, and the influence of the crack length on the thermal resistance of the IGBT module is discussed in detail. Secondly, by comparing the aging effect of the same junction temperature fluctuation load in the damage model and the complete model, the fatigue failure evaluation model of the solder layer containing the damage factor is put forward. Finally, the simulation results are verified by the accelerated aging experiment.


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