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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-11 18:00
[Abstract]:Silicon carbide (SiC) is a well-known high-temperature semiconductor material, which has attracted more and more attention and application in the field of high-temperature MEMS devices. At present, some progress has been made in the study of its micro-scale mechanical properties, but there is still no unified mechanical parameter standard, especially the study of temperature characteristics in high-temperature environment. Based on the principle of resonance method, a theoretical model of composite cantilever beam is established, and a testing system suitable for different temperatures is built. The mechanical parameters of Young's modulus of micro-scale SiC thin films at different temperatures are obtained, and the temperature characteristics at high temperatures are studied. The calculation formula of Young's modulus of micro-scale film material is given. The design criteria of cantilever beam structure are analyzed. The influence of film thickness on the dimension design of composite cantilever beam is studied. The dimension parameters of cantilever beam structure are determined by simulation analysis. 2. The test system is built: the key lies in the realization of high temperature environment, the excitation and detection of high temperature environment. MCH ceramic heating plate is used as heating element, K thermocouple is used as temperature sensing element, and infrared thermometer is used to measure the actual temperature to realize high temperature experimental environment; mechanical exciter is used to excite the cantilever beam structure; Polytec laser vibration detector is used to detect the vibration frequency. 3. Testing system verification: the crystal direction of single crystal silicon [100] The Young's modulus of SiC films was measured. The experimental results at room temperature were 132.5 GPa and the error was 2.3% compared with the reference values (129.5 GPa). The feasibility of the system was verified. The Young's modulus of SiC films at different temperatures was measured. 4. Mechanical parameters were tested: the temperature characteristics of Young's modulus of SiC films were studied. The thickness of SiC films was 5.3 microns, respectively. The Young's modulus of micro-scale SiC films at different temperatures was obtained. The results show that the Young's modulus decreases with the increase of temperature.


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