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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-11 18:56
【摘要】:有機(jī)薄膜晶體管(OTFT)是現(xiàn)下研究的熱點(diǎn),它在OLEDs、傳感器以及射頻識別領(lǐng)域有著廣泛的應(yīng)用。但是有機(jī)薄膜晶體管也有很多地方需要改進(jìn),比如遷移率的提高、開關(guān)電流比的提高以及工程應(yīng)用等。①本文簡要介紹了OTFT的研究進(jìn)展及熱點(diǎn)問題,介紹了有機(jī)薄膜晶體管的基本結(jié)構(gòu)、工作機(jī)理以及表征OTFT性能的重要參數(shù)。本文詳細(xì)論述了OTFT器件的制備流程,包括使用的儀器、制備的工藝和測試方法。②針對傳統(tǒng)OTFT場效應(yīng)遷移率低,閾值電壓高的不足,本文提出了一種通過電極修飾改善OTFT性能的方法。由于傳統(tǒng)OTFT的電極與有源層接觸時受到金半接觸勢壘的影響,載流子注入受限,這樣直接導(dǎo)致了器件的低場效應(yīng)遷移率和高閾值電壓。本文在電極與有源層之間添加一層極薄的氟化鋰(Li F),很好的改善了器件的場效應(yīng)遷移率和閾值電壓。研究表明,當(dāng)Li F薄層厚度在0到1.2nm時,器件的場效應(yīng)遷移率上升,閾值電壓下降。而當(dāng)Li F薄層厚度進(jìn)一步增大到1.5nm時,器件性能退化。③本文重點(diǎn)研究了一種新型有機(jī)異質(zhì)結(jié)晶體管。針對現(xiàn)有的雙極型晶體管關(guān)態(tài)電流高、開-關(guān)電流比低的缺點(diǎn),本文研究的新型有機(jī)異質(zhì)結(jié)晶體管在修飾過的二氧化硅上沉積P型并五苯薄層,再在其上沉積N型全氟酞菁銅有源層,通過異質(zhì)結(jié)效應(yīng),大大增加了溝道中自由載流子的數(shù)量,進(jìn)而提高了器件性能。同時研究表明,通過精確控制和優(yōu)化第一層并五苯的厚度為1nm時,可以使這種晶體管在提高遷移率的同時,很好地控制了關(guān)態(tài)電流,因此滿足遷移率與開-關(guān)電流比兩項指標(biāo)同時提高的目的。本文還通過異質(zhì)結(jié)理論和AFM檢測圖重點(diǎn)解釋了并五苯厚度對器件性能影響的原因,闡述了絕緣層之上的半導(dǎo)體層厚度、薄膜表面形態(tài)以及薄膜的結(jié)晶度三方面的矛盾關(guān)系。最后得出結(jié)論,當(dāng)并五苯薄層厚度為1nm時,絕緣層之上的半導(dǎo)體層厚度、薄膜表面形態(tài)以及薄膜的結(jié)晶度這三種因素得以最好的協(xié)調(diào)、平衡,因此器件性能達(dá)到最佳。
[Abstract]:Organic thin film transistor (OTFT) is a hot topic in recent years. It has been widely used in the field of OLEDs, sensors and radio frequency identification (RFID). However, organic thin film transistors also need to be improved, such as the increase of mobility, the increase of switching current ratio and engineering application. 1. This paper briefly introduces the research progress and hot issues of OTFT. The basic structure, working mechanism and important parameters of OTFT are introduced. In this paper, the fabrication process of OTFT devices is discussed in detail, including the instruments used, the fabrication process and the testing methods. 2. Aiming at the shortcomings of low mobility and high threshold voltage of traditional OTFT, the paper describes the characteristics of this method. In this paper, a method to improve the performance of OTFT by electrode modification is proposed. Due to the influence of gold semi-contact barrier on the electrode of traditional OTFT, the carrier injection is limited, which directly leads to the low field effect mobility and high threshold voltage of the device. In this paper, the addition of a thin layer of lithium fluoride (Li F), between the electrode and the active layer improves the field effect mobility and threshold voltage of the device. The results show that when the thickness of Li F thin layer is 0 to 1.2nm, the field effect mobility increases and the threshold voltage decreases. However, when the thickness of Li F thin layer increases to 1.5nm, the performance of the device degenerates. 3 in this paper, a novel organic heterojunction transistor is studied. In view of the shortcomings of the existing bipolar transistors with high on-off current and low on-off current ratio, the novel organic heterojunction transistors have been deposited on the modified silicon dioxide with P-type pentabenzene thin layer. Then the N-type perfluorophthalocyanine copper active layer is deposited on it. The heterojunction effect greatly increases the number of free carriers in the channel and thus improves the device performance. At the same time, it has been shown that by accurately controlling and optimizing the thickness of the first layer of pentacene to be 1nm, the transistor can improve the mobility of the transistor and control the turn-off current at the same time. Therefore, the mobility and on-off current ratio are increased simultaneously. Based on the heterojunction theory and the AFM detection diagram, the reasons for the influence of pentabenzene thickness on the performance of the device are explained, and the contradictory relationships between the thickness of semiconductor layer on the insulation layer, the surface morphology of the film and the crystallinity of the film are expounded. Finally, it is concluded that when the thickness of penta-benzene thin layer is 1nm, the thickness of semiconductor layer, the surface morphology of the film and the crystallinity of the film are best coordinated and balanced, so the device performance is the best.


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