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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-10 08:15
【摘要】:本文在系統(tǒng)歸納和總結(jié)國內(nèi)外相關(guān)研究成果的基礎(chǔ)上,從交通工程的角度出發(fā),通過收集分析大量的內(nèi)河航道(段)和船閘運(yùn)行數(shù)據(jù)及資料,得到了內(nèi)河船舶的交通(流)的重要特性及指標(biāo)參數(shù);基于交通運(yùn)輸服務(wù)質(zhì)量理念,系統(tǒng)地開展了船閘通過能力和服務(wù)水平的研究,提出了船閘通過能力和服務(wù)水平的計(jì)算方法和公式,能夠連續(xù)動(dòng)態(tài)地反映船舶大型化和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化趨勢的影響,同時(shí)將船閘通過能力計(jì)算由“以量為主”改進(jìn)為“量質(zhì)結(jié)合”,,為船閘工程規(guī)劃設(shè)計(jì)、經(jīng)濟(jì)效益計(jì)算提供了一個(gè)新方法。 本文研究得到了內(nèi)河船舶交通(流)的重要特性及指標(biāo)參數(shù);诖罅康臄(shù)據(jù)和資料,建立了內(nèi)河船舶的噸位與面積之間的函數(shù)關(guān)系,探討了內(nèi)河船舶的大型化與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化的特征及其衡量指標(biāo),研究了內(nèi)河船舶流量的時(shí)空分布特征,采用概率論和數(shù)理統(tǒng)計(jì)方法,研究了內(nèi)河船舶流量的概率統(tǒng)計(jì)分布規(guī)律,并討論了分布參數(shù)的估計(jì)和樣本容量的選取,采用Gl/G/1排隊(duì)模型及近似解研究了我國繁忙船閘正常運(yùn)行時(shí)的船舶待閘時(shí)間。 本文研究提出了船閘通過能力的計(jì)算方法和公式。明確了連續(xù)多級船閘的單向單級一次過閘時(shí)間與船閘的級數(shù)無關(guān),指出了規(guī)范(JTJ305-2001)中若干計(jì)算公式的筆誤疏漏之處,建立了基于內(nèi)河船舶噸位與面積關(guān)系的一次過閘平均噸位計(jì)算公式,提出了過閘船舶總載重噸位和過閘貨(客)運(yùn)量的計(jì)算方法和公式,能夠連續(xù)動(dòng)態(tài)地反映船舶大型化和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化趨勢的影響,同時(shí)將船閘通過能力的計(jì)算由“以量為主”改進(jìn)為“量質(zhì)結(jié)合”。 本文研究并建立了船閘服務(wù)水平理論,系統(tǒng)闡述了船閘服務(wù)水平的定義、劃分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、評價(jià)指標(biāo)及其計(jì)算方法、工程應(yīng)用等。定義了船閘服務(wù)水平,討論并確定了船閘服務(wù)水平等級的劃分標(biāo)準(zhǔn),深入研究了船閘服務(wù)水平的評價(jià)指標(biāo)及其計(jì)算方法,明確了設(shè)計(jì)服務(wù)水平和運(yùn)行服務(wù)水平的物理意義,基于大量實(shí)際資料初步提出了船閘服務(wù)水平劃分的建議值,并討論了船閘服務(wù)水平理論的工程應(yīng)用,為船閘工程經(jīng)濟(jì)效益計(jì)算提供了新途徑。
[Abstract]:On the basis of systematically summing up and summing up the relevant research results at home and abroad, from the point of view of traffic engineering, through the collection and analysis of a large number of inland waterway (section) and lock operation data and data, the important characteristics and index parameters of inland river ship traffic (flow) are obtained. Based on the concept of traffic and transportation service quality, the research on the passing capacity and service level of shiplock is systematically carried out, and the calculation method and formula of shiplock passing capacity and service level are put forward, which can continuously and dynamically reflect the influence of ship size and standardization trend. at the same time, the calculation of shiplock passing capacity is improved from "quantity-oriented" to "quantity-quality combination" to plan and design for shiplock engineering. A new method is provided for the calculation of economic benefits. In this paper, the important characteristics and index parameters of inland river ship traffic (flow) are obtained. Based on a large number of data and data, the functional relationship between tonnage and area of inland waterway ships is established, the characteristics and measurement indexes of large and standardized inland waterway ships are discussed, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of inland waterway ship flow are studied, the probability and statistical distribution law of inland waterway ship flow is studied by using probability theory and mathematical statistics method, and the estimation of distribution parameters and the selection of sample capacity are discussed. The Gl/G/1 queuing model and approximate solution are used to study the ship waiting time when the busy shiplock is in normal operation in China. In this paper, the calculation method and formula of shiplock passing capacity are studied and put forward. It is clear that the unidirectional single stage single pass time of continuous multistage shiplock is independent of the series of shiplock, points out the omissions of some formulas in JTJ305-2001, establishes the calculation formula of average tonnage of primary sluice based on the relationship between tonnage and area of inland waterway ship, and puts forward the calculation method and formula of gross load tonnage and cargo (passenger) capacity of ship passing through lock. It can continuously and dynamically reflect the influence of the trend of ship size and standardization, and improve the calculation of shiplock passing capacity from "quantity-oriented" to "quantity-quality combination". In this paper, the theory of lock service level is studied and established, and the definition, division standard, evaluation index and calculation method of lock service level, engineering application and so on are systematically expounded. This paper defines the service level of shiplock, discusses and determines the classification standard of shiplock service level, deeply studies the evaluation index and calculation method of shiplock service level, clarifies the physical meaning of design service level and operation service level, puts forward the suggested value of shiplock service level division based on a large number of practical data, and discusses the engineering application of shiplock service level theory. It provides a new way for the calculation of economic benefit of shiplock engineering.


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