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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-04 19:57
[Abstract]:Based on the research background of 70802008070m special-shaped inclined tower cable-stayed bridge, the finite element model of the whole bridge is established by using the finite element software MIDAS/CIVIL. The model fully considers the pile-soil interaction and accurately simulates the lower structure and support of the bridge according to the actual situation. On the basis of the whole bridge model, the influence matrix method and the reverse disassembly analysis method are used to determine the reasonable cable force in the bridge completion stage and the reasonable cable force in the construction stage, respectively, and the reasonable bridge completion stage and the bridge completion stage after construction are compared to verify the feasibility of the reverse demolition analysis method. After that, the natural vibration characteristics of the bridge state are analyzed, and then the seismic response of the structure is analyzed by response spectrum method, linear time equation method and nonlinear time equation method respectively, and the response spectrum method and linear time equation method are compared and analyzed to test the consistency of the two methods. The linear time equation method and nonlinear time equation method are compared and analyzed, and the influence of isolation bearing on the force of the structure under ground motion is obtained. Finally, the finite element model of the whole tower combination element based on rod element, plate element and solid element is established by using the finite element software ALGOR, and the local encryption of the steel anchor box area is carried out. on this basis, the stress analysis of each plate in the cable tower anchoring area is carried out, and the rationality of the steel anchor box design is verified, and some relevant suggestions are put forward.


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