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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-04 13:14
[Abstract]:In the entrance and exit section of Shanling tunnel and urban rail transit tunnel, most of them are shallow buried weak surrounding rock tunnels, whose hydrogeological conditions are poor, buried depth is shallow, rock and soil self-stability ability is poor, anti-disturbance ability is weak, and there are even phenomena such as passing through or adjacent to other existing buildings and structures under the tunnel. Once the engineering measures (including design measures) and construction methods are improper, the initial support deformation will easily occur. Even tunnel collapse and other engineering accidents, these problems need to be solved urgently. Based on the engineering practice of shallow soft surrounding rock section of Daling head tunnel on Yonghe Expressway in Guangxi, this paper makes the following research by means of theoretical calculation, finite element numerical simulation and field measurement: (1) the application of finite element method in tunnel engineering is analyzed and summarized, and the stress state of surrounding rock of circular tunnel is analyzed by analytical formula method. The analytical solution of stress of circular tunnel under elastic condition and elastic-plastic condition is obtained, and the relationship between each index and the radius of plastic zone is analyzed. (2) the mechanical characteristics and deformation characteristics of shallow soft surrounding rock tunnel are studied and analyzed by using finite element numerical simulation method, and the "ahead deformation in front of palm face" and "deformation in front of palm surface" in the construction process of shallow soft V class surrounding rock tunnel are compared and analyzed. The proportional relationship of "deformation behind the palm surface" shows that the settlement of the arch roof is the most significant in the advance deformation, and the advance pre-reinforcement and pre-support at the arch roof are of great significance. (3) by using the finite element numerical simulation analysis method, three typical shallow surrounding rock tunnels are selected, using CRD method, CD method, reserved core soil step method and step method, as well as the existence of advance support measures, with emphasis on comparative analysis. Without the change of stress field and displacement field of pre-reinforcement measures, it is verified that the pre-reinforcement measure is one of the effective measures to control the deformation of shallow soft surrounding rock tunnel structure and its surrounding rock. Through the quantitative comparison of finite indexes, three kinds of shallow soft surrounding rock and four different construction methods are obtained. A kind of adaptability of advance pre-reinforcement measures. (4) based on the engineering practice of shallow soft surrounding rock section of Daling head tunnel of Yonghe Expressway in Guangxi, the construction process of retaining core soil step method by using finite element numerical method is simulated and analyzed, and the variation laws of stress, strain and displacement are summarized and analyzed, and the safety factors of its supporting structure are all in the safe range. The safety of the tunnel is verified. (5) the field measurement of Daling head tunnel of Yonghe Expressway in Guangxi is carried out, the data of monitoring and measurement are processed and analyzed by regression analysis, and the data processing results of field monitoring and measurement are compared with the results of numerical simulation. The results show that the numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the results of field monitoring and measurement.


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