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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-29 07:10
[Abstract]:Energy dissipation technology refers to the installation of energy dissipation and damping devices in the appropriate position of the structure. Through these pre-arranged energy dissipation devices, the response of the structure under wind vibration and earthquake can be consumed, so that the seismic energy can be dissipated, so that the structure is protected. Viscous liquid dampers are a new type of energy dissipation and damping device. The research on viscous dampers abroad is early, and good energy consumption effect has been obtained in engineering application. The domestic research started relatively late, but in recent years, more and more scholars began to pay attention to and study viscous dampers. Many domestic structures have been equipped with viscous dampers, and good research results and economic benefits have been obtained. Most of the advanced dampers are used for energy dissipation of important structures. Technically, we are still some distance from the advanced level of foreign countries. Therefore, it is of great significance to study viscous liquid dampers with good performance. 1. By introducing the theory of energy dissipation of viscous liquid dampers, this paper analyzes the energy dissipation mechanism of viscous liquid dampers. The working performance, advantages and disadvantages of several existing viscous liquid dampers with different structures are compared, and the restoring force model of viscous liquid dampers and the calculation formulas given by foreign researchers are introduced. Based on the ordinary viscous dampers, a new type of viscous liquid dampers is developed, and a large number of mechanical properties tests are carried out. 2, the effects of loading frequency, loading displacement, adjustable pretightening force and viscous medium on the damping output force are studied, the performance parameters of the dampers are calibrated by restoring force model regression, and the design of the dampers is improved according to the experimental results. The seismic time history analysis of the bridge test model with viscous dampers is carried out by using Midas/civil large finite element software. The results show that the damping effect of the structure with viscous dampers is very significant. By analyzing the curves of different damping effects under different parameters, the optimized dampers parameters are obtained. Finally, the feasibility of the new viscous dampers is verified by comparing the experimental results with the modeling results.


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